Hugo Punch

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Before continuing went to floor one to see if the other rooms had stuff in them.

As she stepped out she heard a faint voice in the distance. She knew it had to be Hugo so she tried her best not to get caught so she walked silently to the right. With a bit of walking, she reached room 102 she already knew she didn't need to search room 101 since that was her room and she already searched it. She walked in and searched around.

Y/N found a wooden paddle and a scrying mirror.

She began to leave the room after searching and walked ahead into room 103.

She walked in but immediately left as soon as she saw it was a dark room.

Y/N went to the right and turned to face room 104. She hoped it wasn't another dark room.

As she walked in she sighed with relief seeing the light was on. So she decided to search the desk.

Y/N found a room key.

She left the room quickly but this time decided to check if she was being followed since she had a weird feeling.

She saw a head pop out from the corner so she turned facing room 105 fast and ran inside into the bathroom.

Y/N heard the doorknob rattle a bit and then finally open as she held her breath so he couldn't hear her.

He peered into the bathroom as he walked past it and began to see if you were in the closet.

For some reason, you had the urge to do something unimaginable so you left the bathroom and crept up behind him. As soon as he thought you were in the closet he opened the doors.

Why am I doing this?! she thought but quickly pushed Hugo into the closet and pushed as hard you can on the doors so he couldn't get out. "Y/N get me out now or you are dead!" Hugo said trying to get out of the closet.

After a long minute of Hugo struggling, he stopped for some reason. But you didn't buy it and kept pushing on the doors. But then you heard.

"Y/N? Why am I in a closet?"

"I know you are Hugo stop trying to kill me!" Y/N yelled which made Jimmy fall silent for a bit before saying finally.

"Y/N please let me out I promise you I'm not Hugo, I'm Jimmy."

After another long minute, you finally let go of the doors as you watch him walk out a bit slowly.

"Sorry..." Y/N said and looked at Jimmy as he shook his head.

"No it's not your fault I need to learn to control it but it's too hard"

"Hey... I believe you can control it... one day... it just takes time" She began to make Jimmy smile a small bit but he soon heard a voice in his head and his smile went away quickly.

"You need to go Y/N he's coming back keep staying alive and try to learn the past please I need you," Jimmy said as he looked at you with a concerned look.

"I will you don't have to worry," Y/N said as she ran out of the room and kept running until she found room 106. She walked inside and looked around.

All she could find though was a room key. So she peeked her head out the door and heard Hugo once more called out her name. So she quickly moved her head back, shut the door, and locked the door so he couldn't get in if he tried.

Y/N noticed an eyepiece on the door finally and looked through it as her heart raced quite fast when she saw him walk past looking at the door but once he passed he began to say "I'm coming for you Y/N!" With an evil laugh after it.

She decided to make a run for it, it was the best after all. She opened the door and started running to the elevator. She heard running behind her but kinda a bit far so she thought she was a bit safe. Y/N got to the elevator and pushed the button. Come on, come on, come on, come on!

What felt like forever the elevator finally arrived and you jumped onto it and pressed the ground level over and over again until you heard the door start to close.

As you turned forward you saw Hugo poke his head to the side watching you with his bat in hand.

Y/N jumped back a bit as the door finally closed and brought her to the ground level. She walked out and walked to the arcade.

Y/N pulled out her radio and turned it on as soon as she walked in.

"Is anybody there?"

"Yes," a quick response from Amy this time.

"is it Amy?"

"Yes, I'm Amy"

Y/N tried to remember everything that happened before the whole Jimmy/ Hugo experience.

"What you said about Jimmy stealing your toy, does that have something to do with what you said about the turpentine and lighter?"

"He soaked my toy with that stuff in the bottle. I hated him!" she sounded a bit distressed this time.

Y/N decided that was enough for now and went to the elevators. She went up to the first floor. She walked out and it was silent besides the wind blowing.

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