Cover Up

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TW: Knife, torture. Mention of drugs, kidnapping, and murder
George POV

   Dream took care of me. There was nothing to say. I didn't want to say anything. So I didn't. It wasn't awkward. I was a little upset that he didn't say anything either. I should've spoken. He's the only person I can talk to, and as much as I hate to say it, I love talking to him.

Soon I hear a knock at the front door. Everything is pretty muffled, but I can make out something about a murder case from an unknown voice, a lost phone from Dreams voice, and a line up again from the unknown voice. A line up? I should scream. I open my mouth to say something, but I don't want to. I don't want to leave. I have decided I'm either helping Dream or I'm not escaping. I close my mouth.

    The door shuts again. I don't know if Dream and that other man left, or just the other man I assume to be a police officer. "Dream?" I shout loudly. I get no response. Either he's still mad at me or he left.

   The door opens pretty quickly after the door shut. So I try again, "Dream?" My door starts unlocking. However, it's not a dirty blonde, or a man in a smiley mask. It's a man in a panda mask.

    "Dreams gone. I gotta get him out of this shit. Assuming it's your fault; you'll get him out of this mess." He walks over to the metal table and picks a knife up that is usually used to cut ropes.

    "What do you mean Dream is gone? Is he okay?" The knife meets my neck.

    "The cop was at the door and I can only assume-"

    "So the cop was at the door. Did you ever hear me shout Dream?" The knife is still at my throat, but not on my skin anymore.

    "Of course." He dumbfoundedly admitted.

   "So a cop would've been able to hear me scream, and I didn't. I want to help Dream." The knife drops to my wrist, and again the bounds are cut.

    "Prove it. One mess up and you're dead. I don't give more chances than one. I'm not Dream." He points the knife at me and uses it to emphasize every word especially his threats.

   "I don't think the cop was here for me. Going wouldn't prove anything. At least I don't think he was. He said a murder case and I haven't been murdered." I can tell he's holding back a yet. He sets the knife down and looks like he's thinking.

   "I'll be back. You don't touch anything and you don't move. I've heard about what you've done to Dream; he was naive enough to let you live. I'm not." And with that he left.

    He wasn't gone long, but he was gone long enough that I got more familiar with the basement and it's items. I'm bored. Unbelievably. I know it's a long shot but, I don't think I ever heard the door lock. I go to it and it opens.

    The sun hurts my eyes as it shines through the window. I'm guessing I have impeccable timing, because I hear a car pull into the driveway. I think it's Sapnap's. In broad daylight this idiot gets an unconscious man out of his car. I mumbles some swears to myself before I open the door for him. He mumbles a thanks.

    We all 3 end up in the basement. The man gets tied to the chair I was previously occupying. Sap ties the final knot and stands up and looks at me.

   "I know you have some moral code or something, but I need your help with this. It has to be believable." He grabs the knife that previously cut my ropes. He takes the knife and slowly drags it across the mans thigh. He starts to stir and once the pain sets in he screams. "Shut up" Sapnap punched him. The new man started crying. It was really sad and I wouldn't have put up with this awhile ago, but who cares now.

I can tell Sapnap is noticing me spacing out. I'm thinking. Do I want to help this man or do I want to help Dream? "What'd he do?" I ask while Sapnap looked up at me as he was still cutting the mans arms.

"Drug dealer. Except when he feels he's about to lose a customer he puts a little bit of poison in the products so they die." The man is still silently sobbing, but he doesn't object. "Grab the scooper and a small regular knife." I do as he says and walk back over to where the man is leaking warm fluid. Sapnap doesn't stop cutting. Oh. Dream usually does this part.

I force the man to look up. He's strong but I've learned from Sapnap and I punch him when he doesn't comply. Finally I take the scooper and put it on the side of his eye. I have a little difficulty, but Sapnap speaks up, "When you get it in on the side you're gonna want to go under and push down. Pop it right out." I'm not sure when the mans screaming returned, but it did.

I block it out and dig the scooper into the mans right eye. His screams intensify as the scooper pops behind his eye. His eye is bulging, but not out yet. I take Sapnap's advice and move it under his eye and push down till the eye comes out. His screams quiet and they turn into little whimpers. He's getting tired. If I want him to suffer I have to hurry. Quickly I run to his left side. This eye was easier still difficult, but I got the hang of it. If the man is still alive by then it's barely. I carve the smile face into his cheek. Now for the part that I'm not excited for. I cut the optic nerve. I mumble and grumble at the disgusting site. Sapnap takes notice of this and with his gloved hands he puts them in a new jar as the others looked full.

Finally it's done. That wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Sapnap also sighed. He put on a new pair of gloves as those were covered in blood. I was staring at the new victim. He deserved it. Sapnap took away all of the instruments we used. "Want to help me set him up?" Sapnap looks at me.

Get out? "Yeah sure." I grab under the mans arm and Sapnap grabs the other. It's not late at all but it's darker. It's my favorite time of day. Just after sunset. We set the man in the back seat and me and Sapnap get in front.

"This is going to sound weird, but thank you." Him and Dream were actually pretty genuine people. I love being able to talk to them and see this side of them.

"Of course. I want to help Dream too." He looks at me questionably, but I don't think he has to question my loyalty as I just helped him torture and kill someone for someone who almost did the same to me.

"What changed?" We're heading to downtown. He will get found soon, but we may get caught.

"I did." If Dream couldn't be a good person and change for me; then I would try and change for him. That's exactly what I did.

Soon enough we pull into a strip mall. He heads behind it and we drop the man right behind the back entrance. The mall closed 15 minutes ago. People would come out after their shifted ended eventually and find him. Cars with loud sirens passed us on our way back to Dream's place. When we got home we waited for Dream in the living room.

A/N: Thank you so much for the support!

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