chapter 24

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Idolish7, trigger and revale are on the way to the harbor. The road that night is quiet thankfully. No one realized there are 3 cars went to a place with a full speed.

"Nagi, are the ships and plane ready?" Yamato asked, keeping his eyes on the road. Nagi typed something on his computer and nodded

"They are on their place. I think we need to divide our teams into two. One for the ships to save riku, and the other for controlling my men on the plane"

"That's what he said, momorin" Tamaki said, holding a phone with momo's contact on call.

"Then yuki, tamaki and i will control the men on plane" Momo said through the line.

Tamaki frowned, "but i want to help rikkun!"

"You can help him on the plane. And its safer there too" Sougo said, tamaki only nodded.

"Then the others will be in the first team. We will go to the ship directly and go after the ship where nanase-san is right now" Iori said. All of them nodded,

The cars stopped on the harbor and all of the idols went out their car to discuss their plan. Nagi brought out 12 ear pieces

"This is necessary for our dangerous plan. Through our plan, we will need a communication device. This ear piece will help us to talk to each other" Nagi said giving out all of the Earpieces.

"Nice, nagi. Then lets start our plan" Yamato said. All of them nodded and ran to their place.

Inside the ship

"I will go to the top and observe around us" Sougo said, yamato nodded. "Be careful sou, and inform us if anything happens"

"Roger that" Sougo said and ran out the room to the top of the ship.

"Then we will help with coordinating nanase-san's exact spot. Nikaidou-san and nii-san should help rokuya-san" Iori said.

"You hear that nagi?" Mitsuki yelled to the blonde. Nagi nodded.

"I heard it loud and clear"

"Nagi-sama, we will wait for your instructions" One of the men said. Nagi nodded and pointed towards the east,

"A little far away in the east, there is a ship that kidnapped my friend. We need to catch up to them" Nagi said. One of the men nodded and turned to his friend,



In the plane,

"Yahoo! I am looking forward to work with you guys" Momo said to the 8 men in the plane. All of them nodded and bowed to them, "we are under nagi-sama's order to obey his friends"

"Tamaki-kun, go sit there and look out the window in case something happens" Yuki said pointing towards the seat. Tamaki nodded, "okay"

"Yuki? Follow me to the front" Momo said, yuki nodded and followed his friend as the plane start taking off.

"We will help them by searching from the sky. I doubt there will be no fighting" Yuki said, sitting beside the pilot. Momo hummed in agreement

"... But isn't a plane too overboard? We could just use a helicopter"

"... Sasuga a prince"


Back to the ship,

Ping ping

Nagi's earpiece start to vibrate and sougo's voice appeared. "Nagi-kun? There are some ships headed towards us now"

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