The Big Bad Ivy Caper

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What.... what is my life?

"But hypothetically, if I was able to build a functional teleporter, I could hang out with you guys in San Francisco whenever I wanted and my parents would never know." Player tells Carmen.

"Player can you honestly tell me that if you built a teleporter you wouldn't try and use it for world domination?" Carmen asks. They take their seats waiting for the timer to run out.

"Well of course I would, I'm fourteen. World domination is a given. But you have to admit, I'd be a benevolent dictator." Player says.

"Player ruling the world? That's a terrifying prospect." Gray says. Player sticks his tongue out, the conversation ends as the timer runs out and the next episode begins.


Bellum: Esteemed colleagues, I am thrilled to announce that I have solved our problem.

"Which one? You have so many." Ivy laughs.

Brunt: You went and found spare parts to repair our brain wipe doohickey?

Bellum: Our ongoing problem.

Maelstrom: You captured Carmen Sandiego?

Bellum: Our separate-but-related other ongoing problem. The all-too-frequent failures of our highly-trained operatives, which I can only attribute to... human error.

"To be fair to us, Carmen had years more training then the rest of us. Even if she only officially joined the school later on." Kyle says.

Maelstrom: Not again.

Cleo: We should never allow Saira to visit her Himalayan Laboratory without adult supervision. She simply has too many toys there.

Bellum: If we remove human error from the equation, our success rate would skyrocket, and I would no longer be tasked with wiping memories of VILE from our former students.

"That would be appreciated." Gray mutters.

Brunt: So, you're going to train monkeys to steal for us? 

"That would be hilarious." Zack says.

Bellum: (Laughs) It is quite funny if you picture it. But do not be absurd, Coach Brunt. Programming will eliminate any need for training, with... the ultimate VILE operative.

(Bellum reveals a robot and powers it up.)

Bellum: My Robo-Robber is programmed to steal, with hands of steel.

"And for just three easy payments of $69.99 you can have on of your very own!" Player says imitating an infomercial announcer.

(The robot takes the controls out of Bellum's hands and begins to walk away.)

Bellum: No, no, no! Oh, no! You don't want to do... that.

(There's an explosion as the robot wanders around grabbing anything and everything. It destroys itself in the explosion.)

The room dissolves into laughter.

Bellum: A minor hiccup, we'll circle back.

Brunt: Hiccup? More like a belch.

Maelstrom: Perhaps we should focus our attention on a rather large sum of stolen gold bullion currently languishing in Bavaria.

"Last season it was masks, this season it's gold." Carmen sighs.

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