The Day of the Dead Caper

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(A/N Can anyone guess my favorite Disney movie from the title of this episode?)

After grabbing their seats again Sera appears in the room.

"I'm really excited that I get to add more people to this." Sera says getting everyone's attention. Following is a flash of light, a thud and a groan. Everyone watches as a young woman gets to her feet.

"You couldn't have made the landing any softer?" She asks rubbing her backside.

"Nah, it's more fun this way. Introduce yourself, grab your seat next to Lupe and then we'll start." Sera says and once again vanishes.

"Uh, my name is Sonia." She says quickly and takes her seat next to the luchadora. Everyone is curious how she'll play into the next episode and they settle in as the screen lights up.

(Open to a creaking windmill. Spinkick and Flytrap are rustling through rows of corn following the tracker. As they get close to the signal they split off from each other. The launch into an attack.)

"Oh, it's these clowns." Gray says chuckling.

Spinkick: Game over, Sandie... go.

(The figure they thought was Carmen turns out to be a scarecrow wearing her signature hat and coat. Flytrap pulls the coat back to see the tracker they had placed on Carmen.)

"Ha! Bait and switch!" Player shouts.

Flytrap: We have to call this in you know.

(Shadowsan, not far away in a car, smirks in satisfaction at Spinkicks shout of frustration and drives off. Meanwhile Spinkick and Flytrap call the faculty and caught by surprise.)

"That was an excellent deception Shadowsan." Jules compliments him. Shadowsan simply nods in acknowledgement of her compliment.

Maelstrom: What's wrong? Lose your funny bone?

(Pan around to Maelstrom dressed as a clown, as if the man wasn't creepy enough as it is.)

All the former VILE operatives groan.

"He wears that god awful clown costume every Halloween. EVERY Halloween." Carmen says. the first Halloween she remembers, she was five years old. She took one look at Maelstrom in that costume and burst into tears. Brunt had been cold and abrasive towards him until Christmas after that incident. 

Flytrap: Professor Maelstrom?

(We see all the faculty in costume.)

"They're uh... really into Halloween." Player says.

"You have no idea." Antonio says.

"We don't do many celebrations at VILE academy, but Halloween is huge." Jean-Paul says.

"What about you Shadowsan? Did you dress up for Halloween?" Zack asks.

"I did not. Halloween is not celebrated in Japan the same as it is in America. Only in recent years has costumes become a large part of the celebration. However trick or treating, jack o lanterns and other similar festivities are uncommon in my home land." Shadowsan explains.

"Before 2000, Halloween was not a largely celebrated holiday. However now, it is treated more like a street fair." Hideo says.

"No trick or treating?" Zack asks. The brothers shake their heads.

Maelstrom: Tonight, call me by my parallel universe name... Charlie Pants.

"More like crazy pants." Player mutters.

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