Chapter 3

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Authors note: Let's go!

Melody, Hinata, Tenten, Sakura and Ino followed Yaya through the streets of Konoha until they stopped outside Kaiya's house.
"Alright, as you know it's my birthday!" She said, Melody and Tenten chuckled.
"No we never would have guessed." Melody mused, Yaya had been counting down the weeks till her birthday and now the rookie girls and Melody had gathered for Yaya.
"Well yes, but when you go in... you'll understand why I called you to Kaiya's rather than mine." She explained before pushing the key into the lock and opening it, Melody raised an eyebrow and stepped in before her eyes widened Ino leant over Melody's shoulder.
"There is so many decorations!" She exclaimed, as Hinata glanced around Kaiya's house.
"So, when you said she'd gone AWOL...?" Tenten asked, Yaya closed the door behind her.
"Kaiya singlehandedly created me a birthday party... and I just feel this is to distract her from her brother's death." She said folding her arms over her chest.
"Isn't she meant to distract herself?" Sakura asked curiously, Melody raised an eyebrow.
"She hasn't spoken to anyone and instead does this." Yaya said, Sakura nodded thoughtfully and the girl's looked up to hear footsteps. Kaiya appeared smiling brightly.
"Perfect! You're all here! Come with me!" She cheered excitedly, Ino blinked.
"Oh I get it." She said following Melody up the stairs. Kaiya turned to them,
"you are going to love this Yaya! This is for all of you!" She pushed open her door and the girl gasped in unison.

"Wow! Kaiya these are amazing." Sakura gasped in awe, Melody blinked before shaking her head.
"You are too much..." Melody mumbled as the other girls looked around in excitement.
"These are incredible!" Yaya gushed, Kaiya placed her hands on her hips smiling proudly. Sitting around her room were several beautiful handmade dresses, Kaiya spun around in the middle and began passing each dress to each person.
"Well! Of course I was going to do something fantastic for my friends! After the last month... this is the least I can do." She explained, Melody and Yaya exchanged shocked glances as Kaiya still smiled and rushed around doing the finishing touches on her secret project. She pulled her hair up into a low bun and hummed slightly as she inspected each of the girls and their new dresses.
"You know you didn't have to do this." Melody said, Hinata nodded in agreement as Kaiya brushed passed to Ino and Tenten.
"Kaiya are you sure you're okay?" Yaya asked, Kaiya nodded.
"I couldn't be better." She whispered focusing on Sakura's dress. Sakura looked at Melody who scowled slightly back at her until Kaiya stopped in front of Melody. They both stared at each other before Kaiya stood up and turned to all the other girls.
"Alright everyone, get ready!" She ordered, Tenten and Ino nodded excitedly and headed into bathroom to change.  Hinata and Sakura stayed quiet as Yaya and Melody turned to Kaiya.
"Okay. It's only been a couple weeks since your brother's death." Yaya began placing her hands on her hips as Melody folded her arm across her chest. "Don't you think it's a bit early for a celebration even if it's my birthday?" Yaya asked, Kaiya lowered her head.
"We all feel the same Kaiya we're not over it yet, and we know you won't get over it. Hayate was your brother. It's okay to still be sad and Yaya understands if we don't hold a party for her." Melody added watching Kaiya carefully. Kaiya clenched her fists, and felt her heart tighten in her chest.
"Don't you think I know that?" She began, her voice quivering. "I just- I'm tired of sitting at home miserable! I'm tired of not living. I miss my brother I will always miss him! He'll-" Her voice cracked as she began to cry, Hinata and Sakura exchanged glances as Melody and Yaya pursed their lips together watching Kaiya "he'll never see my new technique, he'll never watch me become a Jonin! Hayate didn't live long enough to marry Yugao! I never became her bridesmaid! He'll never watch me have a boyfriend! Get married or even have kids! And that hurts! It hurts so much! I'll never stop thinking about my brother and what should have been!" She wailed, the bathroom door opened and Tenten and Ino stepped out shock across their faces as they watched Kaiya break down in floods of tears. "But I can't stop living because of sadness! We're in a crisis without a Hokage, the village hasn't stopped moving forward. So neither should I and the only way I can do this, is by living for my friends and those that are still here!" She whimpered, rubbing her eyes again "and- and I will always keep Hayate in my heart. But I need to do this, I want to celebrate her birthday! I want to have fun, I want to keep on being happy." She yelled, Melody and Yaya walked forward before wrapping their arms tightly around the crying girl. They hugged her tightly and slowly Kaiya stopped crying and hugged her two friends back.
"You know. We just wanted to see you cry." Yaya teased, "seriously you'd been busy all week and we were worried." She mused, causing Kaiya to sniffle and smack her lightly in the arm as the two let go of Kaiya.
"But we know you're okay now." Melody added smiling, Yaya nodded examining her nails.
"Well. Shall we carry on with my birthday? Sakura, Hinata go get ready." She said smirking, Kaiya smiled happily "after all I am the princess! And I deserve the best." She gave Kaiya a wink and Melody rolled her eyes as Sakura and Hinata nodded smiling before hurrying to get dressed up. Melody turned to Ino and Tenten, as Yaya bounded over to Ino and started helping with her hair.
"Thank you Mel, I needed that." Kaiya whispered, Melody shrugged her shoulders.
"You can cry to us any time you want, and we know you'll never forget your brother. Now let's get ready." She said grinning as the girls continued to get ready before the party started.

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