Chapter 21

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Author's note: hope you enjoyed the retrieval arc.

Melody woke up with a start, she was getting sick of waking up in different places.
"Melody?" Kakashi's voice broke out through the darkness, and Melody heard the lamp switch turn on. She stared up at Kakashi and he placed a finger to his lip before pointing in the direction of the chair. Shikamaru was fast asleep on it.
"He didn't want to leave you alone." Kakashi whispered, he sat down on the bed with Melody and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close.
"How long have I been out?" She whispered back, Kakashi sighed and pressed his chin to her head as she buried her head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her arm.
"It's almost 3am." He said softly. Melody's eyes widened and she pulled back slightly.
"Is Gaara?" She began, Kakashi pulled her back against him.
"He's fine. He was worried about you." He answered, Melody pursed her lips together and closed her eyes.
"I screwed up." She moaned, Kakashi chuckled.
"How so?" He asked, she didn't speak "Gaara, has already forgiven you. Shikamaru believes in you wholeheartedly, as for Kiba, Neji and Chouji they would put their life on the line the same way you do. Naruto would never blame you. Not in any life time." Kakashi said, Melody tightened her grip on Kakashi's jacket and Kakashi squeezed her tightly.
"But Genma..."
"Genma adores you Melody. He always has, he wanted to be your sensei." Kakashi said, they heard Shikamaru groan and roll over. They waited for his snoring to begin again before they continued talking.
"Melody, do you know what we were all worried about?" Kakashi said, Melody shook her head.
"That you would leave too." He said sadly, Melody's eyes widened.
"You knew?"
"Shikamaru had one order, to take you but to keep you from going with Sasuke." He said. Melody closed her eyes as the tears began to form.
"Shikamaru trusted you enough to go after Sasuke with Naruto. He always believed in you." He added, Melody began shaking as tears streamed down her face.
"You came home to me." Kakashi said, "and I am eternally grateful for that." He breathed out, Melody pulled back and threw her arms around Kakashi's neck and her crying grew louder as she couldn't control her sadness any longer. Shikamaru woke with a start and he sat up, Kakashi was holding her tightly and he gave a small shake of his head to Shikamaru who nodded in understanding.
"I'm so sorry!" She whimpered, Kakashi continued to stroke her hair.

The next evening Melody and Naruto were  sat by the lake, watching as the sun began to set, they both watched as children and their parents were playing and laughing together. Naruto picked up a rock and threw it, Melody watched as it made a ripple.
"I can't believe it." He mumbled resting his head on his knees, Melody slowly lay down and stared up at the sky.
"You can't blame yourself. You did everything you could." She said Naruto looked over at her and he cracked a small smile. Melody sighed as she rolled over onto her front, she began to pick at the grass around her. They suddenly felt as though they were being watched, and they turned towards the top of the hill and sure enough Kaiya and Yaya were stood there. Naruto exchanged glances with Melody who shrugged her shoulders before sitting up, as both girls ran over. They stopped and dropped to their knees hugging the two.
"Are you ok?" Yaya asked, letting go of Naruto who nodded a little, Kaiya pulled away from Melody who lowered her gaze.
"It's not just us who are worried about you." She turned back and suddenly the group was all there. Naruto stood up and Sakura ran forward to Naruto as Shikamaru came up to Melody. He held out his arms and Melody walked into him hugging him tightly. Kiba and Akamaru placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder as Lee smiled a little at him.
"We're sorry." Tenten said quietly rubbing Melody's back, Naruto and Shino exchanged a nod as Ino and Sakura stood next to Melody as she pulled back from Shikamaru, and the group sat there staring up at the sky until the darkness set over the Leaf village.

A few days had passed since the Retrieval mission and everyone had gone back to relative normality, minus Naruto and Sakura who were still desperate to find Sasuke. Melody however was quiet and distant but did not run after Sasuke. She spent her time training and eating and sleeping, as no missions were assigned to her, once more. She gloomily walked through the streets, she was disappointed, lost and most of all tired. She didn't know what she was supposed to do, she glanced up at the bright blue sky. She sighed and glanced down and kept walking. She hadn't seen anyone since her episode and honestly she couldn't really blame them. She pursed her lips together and stopped at the Hokage building.
"Huh... why did I end up here?" She murmured.
"Melody I found you!"
Melody turned around to see Kaiya running towards her before stopping in front of her.
"You okay?" Melody asked tilting her head to the side.
"Yeah, Lady Tsunade has a mission for us. I can't find Clay but I'm sure someone would have told him by now." She said as she took Melody's arm and dragged her towards the doors.

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