Chapter 9

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Absolute chaos and anger. That was how Melody, Kaiya, Yaya and Clay felt. The group had been hired to help out a village with a border problem. However when they arrived they were treated as spies for the other side, and when Yaya and Clay went over to see what the other side had got to say for themselves, they were chased out and called spies for the other land.
"They both hired the Leaf why are they being like this?!" Yaya snapped, Melody sat on the ground and was slowing drawing circles in the dirt.
"I don't know."
"And we're no closer to finding out the cause." Kaiya said, as she traced her fingers through the water.
"And whilst we sit here, they're still fighting each other." Clay muttered, in the distance they could hear the villagers screaming and yelling at each other, and the occasional melon came flying towards the group and they all just sidestepped out of harms way. The group sighed as Melody hummed softly, thinking to herself and something clicked. She rolled over and sat up facing her friends.
"Did you see something odd in the middle?" She asked, everyone raised their eyebrow at her, Melody stood up and dusted herself off.
"There's something odd about these villagers, like they believe something from the outside is trying to take over." She said, Clay placed his hand on his hip.
"Okay now you're being weird."
"No hear me out!" Melody clicked her tongue. "It's almost like..." She darted off and began running down the road. Yaya, Kaiya and Clay exchanged glances before following her.
"Melody why are we running?" Yaya yelled as they caught up with her.
"Because I think someone else is behind their hatred for each other!" She explained, "I think someone is trying to turn them against each other, or already did! And they can' seem to get passed it!" She added, running faster.

"You brought her to the village!"
"You brought a sound ninja here!"
"This is all your fault she's a curse!"
"Kill her!"
"That'll solve the problems!"
"And then we'll kill you! Orochimaru followers!"

Melody gritted her teeth together and ran faster. She was right, she squinted and in the distance she could see a small girl laying on her back in the middle of the villagers fight.
"Orochimaru!?" Kaiya gasped, Clay pulled out his kunai and Yaya readied her sword.
"They've been played by Orochimaru and that little girl has been caught in between! I knew there was something off about these villagers." She said as she continued to run, they were going to kill that sound child. An Orochimaru follower, but why was she given to the village?
"Stop!" Melody yelled, the blast surrounded the girl and Melody dropped to her knees, Melody threw her arms out to the side and screamed, a purple light erupted around her and shot outwards, knocking the attack away and shielding both herself and the girl. Yaya, Kaiya, Clay and the villager's eyes widened as Melody gritted her teeth together, the wind blowing around her and slowly everything began to settle. Melody slumped onto her hands breathing heavily, the prison stayed in place, shimmering as the sun began to appear from behind the clouds.
"That girl is powerful." The villager leader muttered, Clay nodded.
"you have no idea." He said, Kaiya shoved passed the villagers and ran forward as the prison shattered and sparkled away. She ran to Melody's side as she crawled forward and pulled the girl into her arms. Her head shot up, tears were spilling off her cheeks and she raised a shaky hand towards the villagers.
"Why are you blaming her?!" She croaked, everyone looked away, guilty. "She's a child not Orochimaru!" She yelled, everyone stayed silent. "You- you both thought the other side was working for Orochimaru and she was a spy for Orochimaru... to keep you all obedient." Melody whispered, she stared at the headband around the girls waist. "She might be a sound ninja but she's not Orochimaru. You've already put her under some sort of jutsu."
"Actually child. She showed up like this, Orochimaru, said she would-" The villager trailed off and Clay sighed
"Orochimaru was using her to keep you all in check... to keep her from running away probably, she's cursed... because of his jutsu." He responded staring at the little girl.
"She- she's Orochimaru's pet but you treated her that way! You used her just like he did!" She yelled, she stared up at the sky. "Orochimaru was your enemy and you hurt this kid! Who just wanted somewhere to belong?!" She sniffed rubbing her eyes as she glared at the villagers. An image of Naruto and Gaara filled her mind and she pulled the girl closer to her chest, holding her tightly.
"Who, who gives you the right to use someone like that? She..."
"We're sorry. Melody we are," A villager stepped forward and Melody glanced up at them. "If we could take it back we would. We'd start over." He said, a few murmurs worked their way around the two villages and Melody bit into her lip.
"We will make this right. We will work together, speak for ourselves and talk to one another." Another said, Clay folded his arms over his chest.
"But that doesn't help her." Kaiya whispered, everyone looked sad once more as the two village leaders walked forward.
"Then she is better off with you."
"We would not be good for her, after everything."
Melody nodded, Clay, Kaiya and Yaya were now behind Melody as the villagers turned away.
"We have some things to discuss and make right."
"Thank you. You all helped us greatly and we hope to build bridges with the hidden villages too one day." And they all disappeared leaving the four with the little girl.

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