Chapter 13

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Author's note: two chapters. and then one every week! Woo! Can't wait for you all to see the ending of this book! 

"This is a first." Kakashi mused, Melody raised her eyebrow and poked her head slightly around Sasuke shoulder.
"Why is it that surprising we're pretty good ninja..." Melody murmured, Kakashi sighed.
"Can we focus?" Sasuke whispered, Melody glanced at him and shrugged her shoulders. Today Kakashi, Melody and Sasuke had been assigned a mission together, which has been the first one theve been on together. It was cold and cloudy where they were and they were laying low behind a rock. Sasuke shivered, and Melody glanced at him.
"Something wrong?" Kakashi asked him,
"It's nothing, just a shiver that's all." Sasuke responded, Melody sniggered.
"Someone must be talking about you." She teased, Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"Focus... our mission is to track the movement of some wanted criminals. Don't let your guards down." Kakashi said becoming serious. Melody and Sasuke nodded, and moved forward a little.
"Got it." They muttered and got ready to move further in to enemy territory.

"Hardly anybody here." Sasuke said as they moved through the building, knocking out the enemy as they went, Melody slowly lowered a man to the ground and glanced back at Sasuke as Kakashi flicked through notes and papers.
"Yeah, it looks like they've gone somewhere. But the question is where." He answered, Melody moved over to Sasuke and they both waited by the door waiting for Kakashi to finish.
"This is a plan for a kidnapping..." Kakashi murmured, Melody looked over at him and Sasuke moved towards him, "this says it will take place by shizumei village, the victim is a girl called Naho... she's related to the feudal lord." Kakashi explained and Melody skipped over and stared at the pictures, her eyes widened in surprise.
"I know her!" Melody said Sasuke nodded.
"That's the girl I stopped from falling off the cliff." Sasuke said, the two glanced at each other.
"She was obsessed with you." Melody laughed, and Sasuke shook his head in exasperation.
"Well I know where we're going next." Kakashi said, and Melody and Sasuke nodded in agreement as the three of them headed out.

"I followed the trail the ninja left but the scents mixed up here. They must have gotten into a scuffle with Naruto, Sakura and Kaiya." Pakkun said sniffing at the ground. Melody frowned and looked around. The trio had followed Pakkun all the way here, but they were met with no one.
"We must have just missed them." Kakashi said,
"Why is Naruto involved in this?" Sasuke asked, Melody glanced at him.
"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say they were on a mission."
"Melody's right, those three are currently on a mission as bodyguards, to that girl Naho." Kakashi explained, Sasuke's eyes widened.
"They're not here. Which means they must have been taken captive." He said, Melody pursed her lips together.
"That's not good." She said thinking of Naruto, Sakura and Kaiya.
"Summoning jutsu." Kakashi placed his hand on the ground and Biscuit appeared Melody's face lit up and she dropped to her knees and began rolling around with Biscuit. "We don't have much time, I'm leaving Pakkun with you Sasuke. Melody and I will follow Biscuit. We'll split up and search for them." Kakahsi said, Sasuke nodded.
"See ya Sasuke." Melody said, and she waved goodbye and the group split up.

"Hey Kakashi, did you think it was wise splitting me up from Sasuke?" Melody asked, Kakashi continued to run,
"He will be fine." Kakashi said, Melody sighed and nodded. "Though, something tells me you're worried." He added, Melody bit into her lip and closed her eyes before they turned purple. They ran quickly and the spotted a fire. Melody squinted and pointed her finger as she spotted a blue glow.
"Chidori." They both said together and they quickened their pace, to find Sasuke pummeling the enemy, his face was covered in blood, his knuckles bloodied.
"Sasuke stop!" Melody yelled as she and Kakashi grabbed his arms pulling him back.
"That's enough Sasuke." Kakashi ordered.
"Melody!" Sakura gasped and Kaiya sighed in relief.
"Kakashi Sensei." Naruto breathed out, Melody's eyes were purple and she stared at Sasuke's eyes. There was an anger there, she'd seen once before and he did this all in front of that little girl.
"We still have a lot of questions he needs to answer for us." Kakashi said sternly, Sasuke pulled his arms out of their grips and walked away.
"I'm going back to the village." Sasuke said, and disappeared. Melody wiped the blood off her hand and turned to Kakashi who stared at her sadly.
"But why Sasuke..." The little girl whimpered.
"Sasuke's just got a lot on his mind right now." Naruto said giving Naho a grin, "he's a good guy I swear." He said, Melody tensed.
"What happened here?" She thought glancing down at the unconscious enemy.
"Just try to forgive him okay?" Naruto said Naho smiled at Naruto and Naruto smiled back "Atta girl, and once he's back to his old self, I'll take you to visit him." Naruto promised, Melody clenched her fists.
"Kaiya... did this guy mention anything to Sasuke." She whispered, Kaiya nodded.
"They mentioned the Uchiha clan and Itachi." She whispered, Melody's eyes widened and her heartbeat quickened.
"That explains it." She thought, she flanked at Kakashi a silence washed over everyone until Melody spoke up.
"Naho?" Melody turned around, and the little girl stared up at her, her eyes full of tears. Melody held out her arms, and she ran into them. She hugged the little girl and glanced at Kaiya, who shook her head sadly.
"Hey don't you worry it'll be alright." Melody said, but there was a quiet sadness to her voice, she tightened her grip on the little girl before letting go and walking away.

A Hidden Kindness Pt3 (Complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant