Chapter 12

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The next day, Melody had met with Lady Tsunade and Shizune to go to a meeting.
"Oh, hey Shikamaru!" Melody smiled as herself, Lady Tsunade and Shizune walked into the hall. Standing behind the desk was Anko, Ibiki and Genma and Izumo and Kotetsu. Shikamaru turned and frowned at Melody before smiling. She glanced up at Shikaku who was stood beside his son and she smiled brightly. "Hey Spiky!" She giggled before the two elders cleared their throats.
"Took your time princess Tsunade." Homura muttered, Melody scowled but headed over quickly to Shikamaru as Tsunade huffed before sitting behind the desk with the others. She sighed and turned her attention to her student and her best friend.
"To be honest I don't know what to do. With the final exam being suspended it was the opinion of many that no one should pass the exam. That includes you two. However, I heard that the Third Hokage had nothing but praise for your matches, both the preliminaries and the main event." Tsunade took out the brush and wrote on the scroll. "It seemed that he was wanting to recommend you for Chunin and you Melody for Jonin." She said glancing up at the pair, "in fact all those who observed the match and your proctors said the same, so in this case it doesn't matter what I think. From this day forth I hope you strive to achieve a level of excellence worthy of that headband. Congratulations as of this moment, Shikamaru Nara you stand a Chunin. Melody Hatake you are now a Jonin." Tsunade said clasping her hands together on the desk, Melody and Shikamaru blinked before nodding.
"Thank you Lady Hokage, proctors." Melody said smiling, Shikamaru glanced at her his hands shoving into his pockets. Tsunade smirked and glanced at Anko, she stepped forward and held up a little box.
"Since you Melody are picky." She pursed her lips together as Melody frowned.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She huffed, Shikamaru sniggered and Melody nudged him in the side.
"Instead of the jacket, Melody we had a special present in mind... here." Tsunade explained, as Anko stood in front of Melody, she lifted the lid and inside was a purple choker with a silver emblem of Jonin. Melody's eyes widened in surprise as Shikamaru glanced over her shoulder. Her hand went up to her neck, and her fingers played with the shogi necklace she had on.
"It won't get in the way of my necklace right?" She said absently, Anko rolled her eyes and handed the choker to her.
"No, you can still wear your other necklace, just put this on, and Shikamaru put on your Chunin jacket." Tsunade explained as Anko ruffled Melody's hair as Melody held it up for Shikamaru to tie around her neck. "Now, get going." Tsunade ordered, Shikamaru and Melody nodded before leaving the adults.

Melody roamed along the road until she spotted a familiar group heading towards her. The pinkette sprinted at her.
"Melody!" Sakura dashed forward, and Melody's eyes widened, surprise evident across her face. Sakura stopped in front of her and glanced behind her at Ibiki and Naruto helping Sasuke back into the village. Melody raised an eyebrow. "Sasuke got hurt!" Sakura exclaimed turning back to Melody, Melody frowned and walked forward, Sakura close on her heels as Melody stopped in front of Ibiki and Naruto.
"What happened this time?" Melody asked placing her hands on her hips, her eyes flickered to Naruto, "Naruto what did you do?" She asked a smirk on her face, Naruto's eyes widened before he chuckled, his hands going behind his head.
"Hey, I'll have you know I did amazing! Even without you or Kakashi Sensei." He laughed, Melody shook her head in amusement before looking at Ibiki.
"Ibiki Sensei, you went to help them? That's not like you." She mused, Ibiki hummed in response as Naruto put Sasuke's arm around Melody's neck. Melody grunted and smirked at Sasuke, the two of them exchanged glances as Naruto and Sakura babbled on, Melody glanced at her hand and held it against Sasuke's chest.
"Watch this." She grinned before she closed her eyes and began to focus a healing chakra towards her hands, Sasuke and Ibiki watched in amazement, as the green glow surrounded Sasuke. Slowly the injuries disappeared. Naruto and Sakura stopped talking and gasped in awe as Sasuke was completely healed. Melody wobbled on her feet and Ibiki stuck his hand out as Naruto jumped forward his arms grabbing Sasuke to keep him steady as Sasuke stared at Melody. Melody shook her head as the sweat trickled down her cheeks. She inhaled deeply and Ibiki chuckled.
"Looks like your training with Lady Hokage is paying off. However, it looks like it's a difficult jutsu for you." He stated, Melody glanced at him and nodded.
"yeah it's not my strongest right now. So Sasuke should still check in with the hospital later." She gasped. Sakura stared at Melody before lowering her gaze.
"she really is incredible... and just keeps can I compete with that?" She thought as she watched Sasuke stare at Melody. Naruto chuckled and let go of Sasuke and poked Melody's cheek.
"Man you look exhausted you have no stamina!" He laughed, Melody swatted his hand away giggling.
"Alright Mr all-go-and-no-stop." She laughed, Naruto grinned, as Ibiki bid his farewell and began to head back to the Hokage's office. Sakura sighed and Naruto and Sasuke waved her off as she went to file the report.
"So, what happened on the mission?" Melody asked when Sakura disappeared around the corner.
"Oh, I saved Sakura and met Ibiki Sensei's brother. It was fun. A lot of running." Naruto chuckled, Melody smiled as Sasuke growled.
"Sounds like the mission was successful. Sorry about your wounds Sasuke." Melody said eyeing Sasuke, Naruto laughed.
"Yeah but I kept my promise to save everyone!" He said, Sasuke's eyes narrowed before he clenched his fists angrily and reached for Melody's arm. He grabbed her and pulled her back, Naruto watched with wide eyes as Melody stumbled backwards before turning to follow Sasuke. She turned to look at Naruto.
"I guess I'm going! Bye Naruto, keep training!" She called over her shoulder, Naruto raised an eyebrow but nodded giving a small wave to Melody as he watched her and Sasuke disappear around the corner.

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