Chapter 17

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The group was getting closer as Akamaru barked. Melody was still panting, as they headed quickly through the trees, Neji activated his buyakgan and looked ahead.
"That's strange it's been a long time and we haven't encountered any traps. Well Shikamaru? What's your assessment?" Neji asked,
"It looks to me like we've been underestimated." He replied as his eyes flickered to Melody before back in front. "They think we're all dead and the big guy is the one following him. They don't need to set a trap for their own man do they?" He said. Naruto huffed.
"Those idiots, they think we're so weak!" Naruto growled, Neji nodded to Shikamaru.
"You seem to be right about our enemy, and its insulting to be underestimated like this." His tone harsh, "but still this could be our chance." He added, Shikamaru nodded.
"I hear ya, now we can take them by surprise."

"Alright Mel, to be on the safe side, you just bring a clone alright. You stay out of range." Shikamaru ordered, staring at her, after the group had finished coming up with a plan. She was about to protest when she sighed and nodded. "Alright, transformation." Shikamaru turned into the man Chouji was up against and the boys nodded as Melody summoned a clone. It wobbled on its feet but gave Melody a smile and everyone left. Leaving Melody to trail along quietly behind.

The boys launched their attacks one by one after Shikamaru was discovered, however the plan was unravelling quickly! Melody's eyes widened, it was her turn, she jumped down and swung her leg at the mans head. He jumped back and created webbing with his hands before throwing it at Melody.
"Spiders?! Are you friggin kidding me!" Melody shrieked as the spiderweb wrapped around her. She groaned as it tightened and she dropped to her knees as the man stepped closer.
"Goodbye girlie!" The new enemy laughed, he squeezed Melody tightly until she collapsed. "Too easy." He laughed however Melody disappeared in a puff of smoke. "A shadow clone?" He said in surprise, he glanced to the others trapped in his web. "Alright, where is she?" He asked, everyone stayed quiet. "Fine I'll kill you all first and then find her." He mused, spitting out multiple yellow coloured webs.

Melody leant against the tree and sighed as she felt her shadow clone disappear. She pulled her knees up to her chest.
"Sorry guys. I thought I could do more." She buried her head into her knees, and let out a muffled groan. The pain was slowly subsiding, but she still couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't over just yet. She got up and began to walk forward, the worst feeling of all, was that her friends needed her.

Shikamaru stared at the guy and frowned, everyone had been caught and Melody's clone hadn't lasted long.
"that's a different colour from the thread he used before. What's he going to do?" He thought to himself. "Its solidifying..." Shikamaru's eyes narrowed.
"Since you will be my first victim. We're going to play a little game, to find out which one of you is the real one." The man mocked. "Jirobo might not be able to beat you, but I will."
"What did you say?" Naruto growled.
"Lets try this one at the end?" He threw the solidified web and everyone's eyes widened.
"No Naruto!" Shikamaru yelled as the first clone popped.
"Oh looks like he was a clone! No problem let's try another!" He threw the second one and another Naruto clone disappeared. "Whichever you are, you're pretty lucky. Let's try two at a time." He said throwing two more, hitting two more clones. Leaving two Naruto's left. "Ha! Ha! Ha! You are a very lucky guy you know that! But this time I've a fifty-fifty shot!" He threw the last one hitting Naruto and the clone burst. "Well somehow you made it to the bitter end." He sneered, "well weakling it was fun playing with ya but unfortunately the games over for you now." He threw the last yellow spear and it hit Naruto, the mans smirk grew until Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Wait where did he?!" He turned around and glanced up seeing the real Naruto jump down hitting his fist into the enemies arm, he bent backwards and Naruto fell down, and he jumped away.

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