Chapter 24

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Authors note: So who is Melody's guardian angel?

A few days had passed since Clay's episode, and everything had returned to normal, well as normal as it could be since Clay was avoiding Melody entirely now. Melody was staring at Naruto, she tilted her head to the side. He sighed and shook his head as he glanced at the creature on his back.
"What's that?" Melody asked smiling, Naruto rolled his eyes, he was not having a good day, first Kiba said he stinks, Sakura decking him for the little thing, grandma Tsunade was no help and he caused Hinata to pass out, the fuzz bucket peed over him, and and now Melody had found him.
"Meet Umba... it's all it says." Naruto explained, the ball of fur glanced at Melody and raised its hand smiling happily.
"Aww it's so cute." She gushed, patting its head. Naruto shook his head,
"unfortunately, it won't let go." Naruto said sadly, the creature smiled at Melody again and Melody tickled its chin.
"Too bad. Well I should get going I have to meet up with Yaya and the others." Melody said causing Naruto to pout.
"Can't you help me look after it?"
"Nope!" She said with a grin, his arms wrapped around Melody's waist as she tried to make a move. Her eyes widened and she stared down at Naruto.
"Please! Let me come with you." He pleaded, Melody raised her eyebrow and shook her head sighing.
"So tell me about this thing?" Melody said as the two began walking through the village receiving some odd looks from the villagers.
"Well everyone abandoned me. This thing, is supposed to get bigger but stay attached to the first thing it sees, which should have been it's mother." Naruto huffed, Melody nodded and stared at the creature and smirked.
"I see, well sounds like you've had an eventful yesterday." She said, Naruto nodded.
"Yeah, how about you?" He responded, Melody shrugged her shoulders, it would be no use talking about Clay.

They both slowed to a stop as they spotted Yaya scowling at Clay. Melody frowned and Naruto raised his eyebrow.
"I thought you were meeting the girls?" He said, Melody nodded, in front of them were Yaya, Kaiya, Clay, Evelin, Ino, Chouji, Shikamaru, Neji, Tenten and Lee.
"Shut up Clay, why are you poking around in other people's business?" Yaya spat. The blonde princess folded her arms and tapped her foot in annoyance.
"What's going on here?" Melody asked, Kaiya glanced at the two before tilting her head and staring at Naruto's back.
"What's that?" She asked, Naruto shook his head.
"You can't tell me you're not all interested?" Clay said ignoring Melody.
"Yes but you're asking personal questions. You have no right to talk about this."
"Why should it be kept a secret? Afraid she'll be branded like him?" Clay retorted, Kaiya gasped in shock as Shikamaru groaned.
"Can you guys stop?" He asked,
"Stay out of it Nara." Clay growled out, Ino frowned in annoyance.
"What is your problem?" She said, clearly irritated.
"Guys what's happening?" Melody said as she tickled under Umba's chin, causing him to coo happily.
"Being betrothed won't brand her as a criminal like Sasuke." Yaya snapped. All eyes widened and everyone froze, Melody slowly turned and Clay smirked.
"So it is true then." He said before turning and walking away. Yaya whirled around to face Melody.
"I'm so sorry Mel." She said, all eyes turned to Melody and she shook her head. She gave Yaya a small smile and turned on her heels. Ino watched her walk away, along with everyone else.
"That was unexpected." Chouji said, Naruto clenched his fists.
"But none of our business, so let it go." Kaiya said sternly, Naruto glanced at his back.
"We should get to our mission, what do you think Umba?" He said, Umba nodded and Naruto smiled slightly, his eyes flickering to where Melody had walked, he wish he could do something but right now, there really wasn't much else left to do.

Melody was sat in Tsunade's office reading a book when Shizune came bursting in.
"Lady Tsunade! Big trouble, Clay left the village! He took out Izumo and Kotetsu at the gate!" She ran in and Tsunade frowned. Melody was already on her feet and headed to the window. Tsunade's eyes narrowed.
"Right." She was out the window and off she went. "Clay... you absolute idiot." She jumped over the houses before over the gate and out of the village. "Summoning!" In a puff of smoke Luna and Faolan appeared. "You know Clay's scent now find him!" She ordered, and the two wolves barked before disappearing. She had one shot, and that was it. Her teeth bared and her eyes narrowed.
"Clay." As she heard her wolves howl in the distance, she picked up her pace and went to meet up with her wolves.

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