Chapter 8

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Authors note:

Melody ran forward and pulled out her kunai knife as Sasuke screamed in pain, Itachi stepped to the side and gripped Melody's wrist, she was pulled up short and stared into Itachi's eyes, his eyes were red and deadly. She closed her eyes before opening them; purple and trained on Itachi.
"So, you did activate it..." He whispered Melody growled and pulled at her arm, but he held on tightly. She glanced over at Sasuke, and the tears welled in her eyes.
"Why are you doing this to him Itachi?!" She yelled her body shaking in anger and sadness, he stared blankly down at her before she yanked at her arm again. "Itachi answer me! Please just answer me!" She screamed, her voice becoming hoarse. Melody brought her leg up but Itachi blocked it with his knee and she lowered her leg, an angered scream leaving her lips as the dark feeling washed over her as she tried desperately to get Itachi to leave Sasuke alone. "Itachi why?! Don't do this!" She screamed as the tears streamed down her face. "I don't understand! Why can't you just leave Sasuke alone!? Let him go! Just let him go!" Melody demanded, as another scream left Sasuke's lips.
"Isn't that heartwarming, using Tsukuyomi on his own brother." Kisame smirked, "and that girl, sure is brave going after Itachi like that." He sneered, Melody twisted her wrist as Sasuke went silent. Melody glanced at Sasuke,
"Sasuke?!" She yelled pulling at her wrist again.
"That does it I'm through standing around!" Naruto ran forward Kisame blinked before dashing after Naruto. Melody glanced back at Naruto running at her.
"No Naruto! Look out behind you!" She yelled, she felt Itachi's grip loosen on hers and she pulled away stumbling backwards as the walls began to turn into a pink substance. She gasped as Naruto and Kisame stopped moving and stared at the floor, turning pink also.
"What's going on?" Naruto asked, Melody blinked as her eyes turned to blue.
"Ninja art, toad mouth trap." Jiriaya was kneeling with his hands against the ground. The pink substance absorbed Sasuke into the wall and Itachi let go of his brother. Melody frowned and stepped next to Itachi who glanced down at her. "You've just been swallowed by the mountain toad. Welcome my friends, to the belly of the beast. He has a very sensitive digestive trap, be careful not to upset him. Not the most glorious way to die, is it? It must be humbling to know you've been reduced to toad bait." Jiriaya chuckled and Melody frowned her eyes never leaving Itachi. Naruto glanced around.
"I'm not liking this at all..." Naruto muttered,
"Naruto stay still. Just remain calm. Trust in my jutsu." Jiriaya stated, Melody watched as Itachi looked back at Kisame.
"Kisame, come." He ordered, Melody blinked, and her hand shot out.
"Itachi wait!" She yelled as he darted down the corridor with Kisame in tow, Melody growled and ran after him, "Itachi!"
Jiriaya grunted.
"It's useless, the ninja hasn't been born to survive this powerful stomach." He pushed his hands into the stomach layer and sent a wave after the two Akatsuki members. Melody stopped as the wall made a chase after them.
"Don't look now but there is a wall of flesh coming after us." Kisame turned around and sliced the flesh before hurrying after Itachi. "It's too fast we won't make it." He said, Itachi closed his eyes before opening them. Melody watched as the wall was engulfed in black flames, she ran forward and stopped, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. She heard running footsteps and Naruto and Jiriaya stopped next to her.
"Hey pervy sage what the heck happened?" Naruto asked as Melody lowered her head in sadness. "oh, they both got away." He muttered, Melody closed her eyes as Jiriaya walked forward and pulled out a scroll. Naruto walked forward,
"Don't touch that!"
Naruto panicked, and Melody glanced up at the two of them as Jiriaya began to write in the scroll, he created some hand signs.
"Sealing jutsu, fire seal now." He slammed his hand on the ground and with his free hand he held Naruto back as the seal collected the black flames and put them into the scroll. Melody blinked.
"That was cool." She whispered, as Jiriaya put it away.
"Alright, that deals with that for the time being. Now to deal with Sasuke." Jiriaya announced, Melody's eyes widened, and she turned and dashed back to Sasuke's side as Naruto followed. The pink wall disappeared, and Naruto grabbed Sasuke, before laying him down. Melody dropped to her knees and took Sasuke's broken wrist.
"This is my fault... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Sasuke." She whimpered before lowering her head onto his shoulder. Naruto frowned a little and was about to reach for Melody when a kunai whizzed past them and landed in the wall. Melody's head shot up and the watched as a black figure ran towards them.
"DYNAMIC ENTRY!" Gai yelled happily, Melody's eyes widened as Gai's leg knocked into Jiriaya's face sending him flying as Gai chuckled to himself until he realized who he hit.

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