Chapter 5

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Authors note: long chapter... sorryyyy

The three had arrived at their destination and stopped. Clay scanned the area before nodding to the two girls and they headed into the village.
"It's awfully quiet." Kaiya said looking around. Everything though was immaculate and decorated for a wedding but there didn't seem to be anyone around.
"You're right, who was the client we were meeting?" Clay asked, Melody shook her head as they kept walking.
"Iruka Sensei didn't say." Her eyes narrowed as she spotted someone walking towards her, "guys heads up." She said, Clay and Kaiya looked in her direction and they moved closer together their hands hovering over their weapons.
"Are you the Leaf Shinobi?" A woman asked, the three relaxed and nodded as Kaiya stepped forward bowing.
"Yes we are, I'm Kaiya Gekko, this is Clay and Melody." She said, Melody and Clay nodded and the woman nodded her head.
"Welcome, sorry it is quiet. The wedding is still being prepped for but after the latest attack on the bride we're all a bit on edge." She said as she led the way towards a small house, "the bride is just inside." She gestured to the house and the group walked in. They all sat down and stared up at a woman who came through a back door and bowed to them.
"You must be the Leaf ninja. I'm sorry for the trouble we've caused but you see my fiancé and I... I'm being targeted someone doesn't want our wedding to go ahead." She said sadly Clay nodded thoughtfully.
"Okay, Kaiya you go and check out the groom. Melody stay with the bride and I will go and look for our assailant." Clay instructed.

It had been a few hours and Melody and the bride had been sat playing shogi. Melody as usual wasn't very good at it.
"So do you have someone you love?" Keminka asked, Melody looked up at the bride and raised her eyebrow.
"Uh in what sense? I love my friends and my dad." She explained, Keminka giggled.
"No silly the way I love Jin." She said, Melody blushed and took her turn. In the last few hours she had learnt everything about this bride but the one thing that stood out was the love she had for Jin even though their clans were fighting. It was truly a Romeo and Juliet story. Melody shook her head and leant back on her hands.
"I mean... I'm betrothed but I don't think that necessarily counts." She mused, Keminka tilted her head to the side.
"Oh my... that is different."
"Yeah but me and Sasuke have been friends for so long I guess, we don't mind being betrothed." She mumbled, Keminka leant forward and placed her hand on Melody's shoulder.
"But do you really truly love him, if you do amazing! Your families made the right decision." She smiled slightly, "I couldn't imagine being with anyone but Jin." She sighed happily. Melody nodded and turned her head to the door.
"Come on guys... we have to keep these two together." She thought to herself, she knew Kaiya would be having the same conversation as her and she knew Clay would find the assailants fast and find out why, no matter what.

Clay had been roaming the village and gathering intel. Once he was done he found himself with Kaiya. Whilst the groom was sat contently reading, Kaiya began to explain the situation and what Jin had told her about himself and his bride, including how much the family protests. After the explanation Clay nodded thoughtfully, before placing his hand on his hip.
"Sounds plausible." He said Kaiya nodded.
"Yeah they really love each other Clay and I know Melody will want to do anything to keep them safe and to make their families see how much they love each other." Kaiya said, Clay sighed and nodded.
"Right, well I had a lead earlier so I'll follow that, just keep the groom safe. I'll be back before the wedding." He said Kaiya nodded.
"Okay I'll get the groom ready and get someone to tell Melody. Be careful Clay." She said heading back inside as Clay disappeared.

Not long after his conversation with Clay he spotted a man hovering quietly in an abandoned house. He rolled his eyes,
"either I'm exceptional or these ninja are useless at assassination." He muttered, sneaking his way over for a surprise attack.

The man looked through the window, and his eyes widened as a foot came flying through the window and smacked him in the face sending him flying back. Clay landed gracefully and he walked forward a hand on his hip as he twirled a kunai with his other hand. The man staggered to his feet.
"It's best to just stay down." Clay said, he brought he jumped and spun hitting the man across the face again with his foot, sending him toppling down. Clay landed again and threw a kunai it embedded into his trouser leg, sticking him to the ground. Clay waited for a moment as the man yelled and ripped his trousers further. Clay shook his head, and clicked his fingers two explosions appeared either side of the man and a net covered the man. He began wrestling with the net as Clay readied his rope, he pulled the net off and the man scrambled up only to have the rope wrap around him and Clay pulled it tightly.
"Now, you're going to explain to me your plan and I might let you live." He said, pulling tighter, the man let out a yell and glared at Clay. Something crawled closer, its eyes yellow and glowing, the man glanced at it with wide eyes. "And I'd do it quickly, it will explode on my command." He added, the man's eyes widened and he sang like a canary bird.

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