Chapter 14

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Author's note: The winds are changing!

She gripped her shogi necklace and hurried forward as she spotted Sasuke. She'd broken her promise but for her that was the last of her worries. She stopped next to him.
"Sasuke what are you thinking?" Melody whispered, Sasuke rolled his eyes as his fists clenched. "I know meeting Itachi has messed you up, and I know how you feel about Naruto. But the thing is he feels the same about you. Why won't you just let it go? Just let this whole Itachi thing go." Melody muttered, Sasuke's eyes narrowed at her. She glanced up at him, her blue eyes wide and worried. "Sasuke, something's changed with you. Something no one else is seeing. Please, turn back now... don't do this." She lowered her eyes as Sasuke's eyes widened in shock he strode forward and grabbed Melody's shoulders.
"Don't you dare read my mind Melody! You said you wouldn't do it!" He yelled, Melody shot her hands up and shoved him away from her.
"I have no choice! Look at you! Look at everything you've been doing! You're pulling away, you're distancing yourself! I won't let you! And you said you wouldn't let Itachi change you!" She screamed, Sasuke didn't say anything. Melody clenched her fists by her side and turned around.
"Yeah... that's what I thought..." She was about to move when Sasuke's hand grabbed hers, she looked back at him. They stared in silence at each other and Melody's eyes widened before they began to water, she stepped closer to him and he brought his hand up and brushed her cheek before running his hand through her hair. He stared at her and leant down as her head tilted up. Sasuke closed the gap and kissed her, his arms wrapping around her as her hands wrapped around his neck kissing him back as the tears disappeared from her eyes, her eyes closing as Sasuke held her tightly against him.

Time stood still for Melody and Sasuke until the lights began to flicker on around them. Sasuke pulled back his hand brushing along her shoulder and down to her wrist, he raised her hand and stared at her bracelet. His eyes taking in each of her charms. She watched him silently her heartbeat erratic, her mind spinning and the sadness overwhelming. He reached into his pocket with his other hand and pulled out a small glittering object, Melody shook her head before glancing up at the sky her eyes fluttering quickly to suppress the tears. She heard the click of her bracelet and she looked down, joining her charms sat a beautiful red glittery gem with the Uchiha crest etched into it, with three sharingan points held together by a thin silver circle. Sasuke took her hand in his,
"I'll always be here." He said softly. She nodded, unable to form words as she looked up at Sasuke's onyx eyes. He leant forward again and kissed her lightly before he disappeared leaving her staring at an empty space.

A few hours later Melody had found herself as Sasuke's house. She was about to knock on the door when it opened revealing Sasuke. She stared at him silently and he took her hand and pulled her against him, hugging her tightly. She hugged him back and closed her eyes the tears welling in her eyes. They pulled apart and Sasuke took her hand leading her into his room before he sat down on the bed.
"Stay?" He asked quietly, Melody shrugged her shoulders but clambered into bed exhausted from the day events. Sasuke waited for her to settle before he climbed in next to her, he shifted until they were lying side by side.
"Goodnight Sasuke..." She whispered, as she fell asleep. Sasuke tensed and he glanced at Melody before he stared at the clock. He sighed and rolled over, his arm draped over Melody and he held her close. Until he knew it was time.

Melody walked along the quiet house of the Uchiha and frowned as Sasuke stumbled out of one of the rooms. She stared at him before noticing the cut on his arm.
"Who did that to you?" Melody watched as Sasuke hurried by holding his arm, his stared at her briefly tears running down his cheeks.
"Run Melody he'll kill us both." He said fear in his voice as he ran, Melody blinked and turned to the room, her eyes widened as her hands went up to cover her mouth.
"Mikoto! Fujisaku!" She screamed, she staggered backwards, she stared at the ground the blood covering the floor. Her eyes began to stream with tears as she stared up at Itachi. "why... why did you?" She stammered, she lowered her head and her body shivered in fear. "Itachi, say it isn't true!" She shrieked, the tears flowing freely as she cried, the wind blew her hair across her face as she glanced up at the moon. "Sasuke, where'd you go?!" She stood up and tried to run but Itachi grabbed her arm, she screamed and kicked out but Itachi held on to her picking her up. She stopped struggling and stared up at him terror in her eyes as her blue eyes met his blood red ones.
"Go to sleep." He whispered, Melody's eyes widened before her head lulled back and her eyes closed.

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