Chapter 18

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Author's note: So will Melody go with Sasuke? Or not go with Sasuke?

"Mel I'm here!" Naruto yelled, Melody slowed down and turned only to have Naruto run into her back. She wobbled on her feet and Naruto grabbed her by the arm and pulled her against him before picking her up.
"Naruto?!" She stammered as Naruto began sprinting as fast as he could.
"Don't worry we've got this, and Shikamaru will be fine, just like the others. Now we gotta go get Sasuke, together." He said, his eyes focused ahead, Melody stared at his face for a moment before lowering her eyes and glancing forward.
"Thank you Naruto." She whispered as they ran to an open field. The two of them spotted Kimimaro.
"hold it right there!" Naruto growled, he placed Melody on her feet and her eyes were fixed on the coffin. "Give me Sasuke back!" Naruto roared, Melody felt it. The rage radiating off of Naruto, she teared her gaze away from the coffin, and a flickering orange glow surrounded Naruto as his eyes were no longer the bright blue but a sinister red.
"Naruto." She whispered, she shuddered as the pain was rocking her body in waves, she turned back to the coffin.
"There's no way you're taking Sasuke!" He barked, his nails began to grow and he summoned his shadow clones, Melody glanced around there were hundreds of them surrounding Kimimaro. She exhaled shakily and took a step forward her hand going to her chest, her vision was cloudy and her head was pounding. They both ran at each other and Melody was frozen in place, staring at the coffin, she could not hear, she could barely see, her body was paralyzed. Something was not right; something was hurting her. Something felt dead.
"Sasuke." She muttered; she watched the coffin twitch. She stared at it, her focus fading. She willed her body forward, one step, two steps. It was then she felt it, her heartbeat stopped. The lid exploded off and Melody felt her heartbeat restart. She glanced down at her ring finger; it was glowing; darker, more intense. She lowered her hand, it burned, and she stared at him, at Sasuke. His skin was grey, his hair was blue.
"That's Sasuke?" She wondered, watching him, his back was to her but there was no denying it, that was Sasuke. Her glowing golden ring confirmed it, the pain confirmed it, he had died in there. She shivered, and it hit her, she felt it too.
"So then why I-"  Her thoughts trailed off as Naruto's voice broke her concentration. Naruto had stopped and he was staring at Sasuke too. Sasuke returned to normal in front of them and Naruto's eyes changed back to normal.
"Hey Sasuke!" His voice was breaking, she could hear it, his smile was faltering, and she clenched her fists. "Hey what are you doing hanging out with these losers? Come on let's go home." He called, she wished more than anything to take away his sadness, his helplessness. She could not bear to see Naruto like this, she turned her attention to Sasuke. She heard Sasuke laugh and Naruto stopped smiling.
"Come on!" Naruto breathed out, Melody watched him. She watched Naruto, he was thinking about Sasuke, his team. Everything they had been through, she didn't need her powers to know that. She pursed her lip together, "let's go home." Naruto said, Melody turned to Sasuke, his back to them. "Come on, everyone's there waiting for ya." Naruto tried again, Melody opened her mouth but closed it. This was different, this was it. She stared at Sasuke. "Can you hear me?" Naruto asked, Melody watched as Sasuke's shoulders trembled, and he laughed. He laughed and laughed and Melody closed her eyes as Naruto's widened. "Talk to me!" Naruto yelled, the rage returning, "what is wrong with you? Have you gone deaf or something?!" He screamed, Melody's body shook, she couldn't bring herself to say anything as the wind blew around them, Sasuke bent down and jumped away, running away from them.
"He, isn't him. He died in there. But I haven't di..." Her eyes widened, as her heartbeat pulsed.
Melody collapsed to the ground passing out. Naruto gawped down at her,
"not now Mel! I need you!" He yelled, he glanced back at Sasuke, he growled "hey Sasuke!" He was about to move when Kimimaro jumped close to him. His eyes widened,
"Melody! Sasuke! What the hell do I do?!" Naruto thought his eyes meeting his enemy, Kimimaro raised his bone sword.
"Now you will die."

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