Chapter 10

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"So Shizune is your student?" Melody asked, as she walked beside the black-haired woman, the younger woman smiled at Melody.
"That's right," She bent down closer to Melody "though at this point it's more like babysitting." She whispered causing Melody to giggle, Tsunade glanced back at the two of them with an eyebrow raised before entering the hospital and following Naruto.
"So, what kind of things can you do Shizune?" Melody asked, Shizune tilted her head to the side.
"Why aren't you asking about Lady Tsunade?" She asked back.
"Oh well, I had a couple days to rest from training and everything... so I researched the Sanin, Tsunade is really powerful and super talented at medical ninjutsu." Melody explained causing Naruto to scoff.
"Such a dork Melody." He teased, Melody poked her tongue out at him and chuckled.
"I know Lady Tsunade is amazing, but I wanted to know about you too since I'll be working for you both." Melody explained, Shizune smiled at the younger female as Tsunade came to a door.
"May I come in?" She said before walking in, Melody and Naruto bounded in to see Sakura standing up,
"hey Sakura!" Naruto ran forward as Melody and Shizune headed to the end of the bed. "you'll never believe it, she's gonna make everything okay again!" He exclaimed chuckling happily, Melody folded her arms and rolled her eyes. "don't worry Sasuke's gonna be alright now," He added, Tsunade stepped around Sakura and went to Sasuke's side, she glanced down at him and back at Melody before noticing the flowers on Sasuke's bedside table.
"Naruto?" Sakura whispered before turning to Tsunade and bowing. "You must be the one Gai Sensei was talking about, oh please if you can save Sasuke..."

Tsunade smiled and raised her hand to Sasuke's head.
"Well I'll see what I can do." She said before summoning her chakra to heal Sasuke. Melody watched and blinked slowly. She felt the pain in her neck subside, and she sighed as Sasuke's eyes began to open. Melody smiled along with Naruto,
"Sasuke!" Naruto breathed, Melody took a step towards Naruto, "you're back!"
"Hey Sasuke!" She said happily as Sakura whimpered his name before throwing his arms around Sasuke as he sat up, crying in relief. Melody raised an eyebrow as Naruto lowered his eyes.
"Naruto..." She whispered gently nudging his side, he glanced at her and gave her a weak smile before heading for the door. Sasuke stared past Sakura's shoulder and Melody smiled at him before heading after Naruto with Shizune.
"Come on you're not done." Naruto wagged his finger at Tsunade as Melody smirked following the blonde.

They entered Kakashi's room and Melody hurried to his side as Naruto and Shizune stood by the end of the bed. Tsunade smiled as Melody glanced up at her expectantly, she reached her hand to Kakashi's forehead and began the same treatment she did with Sasuke. Kakashi's eyes opened slowly and he sat up, Melody smiled brightly as Gai hovered behind the curtains.
"Kakashi!" She said happily, he glanced at her and around the room as Melody side stepped to Tsunade's side clasping her hands behind her back.
"Disgraceful, to be taken completely out of the game by two punks like that, I thought you were supposed to be the best?" Tsunade muttered, Melody giggled and Tsunade gave her a side ways glance.
"Sorry to disappoint you." Kakashi murmured, Naruto punched his fist in the air.
"Okay that's Kakashi Sensei! Just one more and you're all done!" He exclaimed before Gai burst through the curtain.
"Rock Lee! He's next door!" He said desperately, Melody and Naruto followed Shizune, Gai and Tsunade out of the room.

Coming up the hallway was Lee, and Gai smiling happily.
"Lee! Look who's here to see you! It's Lady Tsunade!" He laughed happily as Tsunade stared at the Genin, Melody waved at Lee as he walked towards them.
"Is this one of your students, Gai?" Tsunade asked, Gai clenched his fist and smiled happily.
"Yes! He's more than a student he's like a son." Gai said proudly, Tsuande's gaze flickered to Naruto.
"I see... Naruto, Melody." Tsunade began causing the two younger ninjas to glance at her. "Do you really have time to be dawdling around here?" She said, Naruto's eyes widened.
"Oh yeah! I was meant to be meeting Iruka Sensei!" He yelled, Tsunade smiled at him.
"Better run along." She said, Naruto nodded in agreement.
"Right! I'll let you take it from here! Bye Melody! Bye Lee!" Naruto hurried away and Melody glanced up at Tsunade, she gave her a smile and Melody pursed her lips together.
"I guess, I'll go back to Kakashi... and train?" She said, Tsunade placed her hands on her hips.
"Sounds good to me. Oh, and Melody come by my office later, I need to talk to you and Shikamaru about something the elders mentioned." She said, Melody nodded and bowed to everyone before hurrying down the corridor, her eyes stared at the floor as she headed back to Kakashi's room.
"Why did she send us away?" She thought as she opened the door she spotted Kakashi and smiled widely, "Kakashi!" She exclaimed bounding over to him. She climbed onto the hospital bed and sat down with him.
"Hey Melody..." He muttered, Melody leant against him as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder pulling her closer. "Are you alright?" He whispered, Melody's eyes widened and before she knew it tears were streaming down her face as she turned into Kakashi gripping his top. She didn't realise until now how sad and completely lost she felt without Kakashi, Kakashi closed his eye and held her tightly.
"I thought you wouldn't wake up." She whimpered, Kakashi stroked her hair gently as he rested his chin against her head.
"Nothing can keep me down Melody. Nothing will keep me from you for long." He said, Melody shut her eyes and stayed quiet as she listened to the rhythmic beating of Kakashi's heart.

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