Chapter 4

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Authors note: Next chapter!

A little while later Gaara felt a little conflicted. He was on a mission with the girl who had stood up to him and for once he felt as though he owed her something, an apology maybe? She was sat by the base of the tree he walked up to her, she glanced up at him.
"Can I help you?" She asked cautiously, Gaara stared at her.
"Urn... Melody?"
"Yeah...?" She stared at him,
"I just-" he began, how was he supposed to do this? He had said sorry to his siblings beforehand, but this was different. But then again why was it different? What made her so different? He scowled at her before closing his eyes. His mind wandered back to when they first met, she was a little weird and very bubbly, but then everything changed she had the same look everyone else did and the look Naruto had, but it all disappeared when the Sand attacked the Leaf. However, he opened his eyes and she just looked confused no longer was there fear in her eyes.
"What's wrong Gaara?" She snapped him out of his thoughts.
"I'm sorry."
Her mind blanked and Gaara was there in front of her apologizing, to her. He didn't say anything else he just waited.
"Sorry my mind blanked. Did you say sorry?" She asked, he nodded. "Gaara...?" She began however Sasuke came up.
"Mel. Time to go." He didn't say anything more but glared at Gaara "now dummy." He knocked her head and she whined as he pulled her along, Gaara watched them go and felt uneasy.
"Come on Gaara, it's your mission." Melody called over her shoulder, he gave a small nod and followed the girl and the Uchiha.
"Now then we're all together I suggest that Gaara's team approach from the Western side of the amount and join with Melody's team whilst my squad 7 and Melody will approach the east. Then at midnight we will simultaneously attack the bandits at the summit. Obviously Melody's team will be classed as backup, afterall this is to help Yaya." Kakashi explained, Melody nodded and Yaya sighed but nodded earning a hug from Kaiya.
"Urgh, I don't know why we have to wait till them? Team 7 can take out the bandits right now by ourselves." Naruto huffed.
"These bandits are made up of rogue ninja and rumor has it that there are Chunin level ninja with them. Myself and Melody could handle. But you Naruto are a genin." Kakashi said, Melody smirked as Naruto frowned in annoyance.
"You hear that Naruto? If you rush off in there you're putting us all in danger." Sakura snapped at Naruto, Yaya rolled her eyes.
"You know who'd I'd like to put in danger pinkie?" She sneered, Kaiya clamped her hand over Yaya's mouth as Melody sucked in her lips.
"Ignore her! She doesn't have a filter." Kaiya apologized, Kakashi sighed.
"Naruto... Yaya... Gaara... what a day this will turn out to be." He thought, Melody shook her head and hopped next to Gaara.
"So we all agree with the strategy?" She asked, her voice light and friendly. Gaara nodded.
"We shall go with your strategy. But I must speak with you." Gaara said, Kakashi nodded and the two jumped down and everyone watched them go.
"Was it something I said?" Melody asked an amused smile on her lips causing Naruto to chuckle.
"So why is he being secretive?" Kaiya asked, Sakura glanced at her.
"The captains probably just want to go over the details, that's all." Sakura said, Naruto glanced down at Sakura,
"Isn't Melody a captain?" Naruto asked, Melody shook her head.
"Nope. I'm more like an observer." She said matter-of-factly.
"Gaara's so full of himself." Naruto said breezing over Melody's comment and the group fell into silence as they waited.

After a few minutes Kakashi called up to the groups.
"Let's go!" He said, Kaiya waved goodbye to Melody, Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto and she turned to face Gaara.
"Alright, we're ready to follow you Gaara." She said and Gaara nodded as they headed in their direction. As they furthered to their destination Kakashi stopped, causing the others to stop behind him.
"How long are you going to follow us?" Kakashi ordered, "show yourself."
"No wonder they call you Kakashi of the sharingan eye. I thought I hid my presence well. Please just continue on your way. We have no intention of interfering with the mission of an allied nation." A man said chuckling.
"Allied nation?" Kakashi began, "you're from the sand village?"
"Perhaps it's easier to think of us as auditors." The man in the mask said, Melody glanced around,
"there is quite a few of them." She thought to herself.
"What does that mean?" Naruto asked, Sakura glanced at him, as Melody stepped closer to Sasuke.
"They're like inspectors. They're probably here to report back on how this mission goes." She explained, Melody shook her head, she felt tense. Something wasn't quite right, she closed her eyes and concentrated, ignoring Naruto's outburst.
"Actually they don't trust Gaara. Isn't that right?" Kakashi said, Melody shuddered, her head began to throb, and she raised her hand to her head and exhaled shakily, Sasuke glanced at her and moved closer to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"The people of the sand village knows very well that Gaara's powers poses a serious threat. Most of all to them." The man in the mask explained, "you've seen Lord Gaara's powers in action yourself wouldn't you agree that it's an abomination?" He asked, Naruto gritted his teeth together and Melody chewed on her lip. "It shouldn't exist." He stopped as Melody heard it, an all too familiar voice in her head. 
She turned. And her eyes flickered to purple, Kakashi turned to her and she growled.
"Gaara..." She hissed, Naruto watched her, and Melody shook her head, she pulled out her kunai. "explain to me." She ground out, Kakashi and Naruto looked at her "why?!" She roared, she jumped forward however Sasuke's hands wrapped around her waist.
"Woah! What's gotten into you?" Naruto exclaimed.
"Let me go Sasuke! Let me go!" She yelled, "how dare you! How dare you! So- much- even hurt him! I swear!" She screamed as Sasuke tightened his grip, the words sinking in, they were to kill Gaara.
"But it's a good proposition for the leaf village as well. Afterall it would mean a nearby nation would not have a powerful weapon."
"How cruel, he's one of your own ninja." Sakura whispered sadly, Naruto closed his eyes.
"Don't you understand lord Gaara is a danger to both our villages, we cannot allow him to continue to exist." The masked man snapped, Melody growled and wriggled out of Sasuke's grip, she put her kunai away before jumping forward in anger.
"You don't know him!" She screamed, as Naruto's fist decked the man in the mask and the two were off. The rest of the sand ninja turned towards them throwing their kunai, however Sasuke blocked the kunai. Melody turned and smiled slightly as Naruto nodded and took off faster than her, leaving Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke to deal with those sand ninja.

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