Chapter 1- To Survive (Part 1)

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Everyone in the gym stayed quiet, none of the eighteen pupils spoke a word ever since Monokuma gave his announcement and disappeared.

Someone then broke the silence as they had an idea.

"Hey Raven, you said you were a sorceress right?" Leo asked Raven. "Maybe you have some sort of spell that could get us out of here."

"That would be clever." Raven said dryly. "Although my magic isn't working as well as it used to."

"She's right, and my shapeshifting isn't really working well either." Beast Boy said. "I can change into various animals but it seems like I can't change into anything."

"My weapon system isn't working either." Cyborg said.

"And I can't summon my gem whiplash." Amethyst. 

"And some of our gadgets aren't working." Marinette said. "Do you think that bear has something to do with this?"

"Bingo! Give that girl a prize!" Monokuma said from the speakers, causing them to be shocked a little. "And Marinette was correct, I functioned something on some of your gadgets so that they wouldn't by any chance work, and I also injected you with something that's sure that you don't use your powers during this time here at Hope's Peak."

"Goddamit!" Cyborg muttered.

"Anyways, as you exit the gym, each of you must take an E-Handbook that has your name on it. They're located at a table near your right" So the students did as Monokuma said, they left the gym and head to a table that had a box full of gadgets, it was kinda like a regular cell phone, only bigger and a bit heavier, each student grabbed one and saw that it had a screen that shows their name and picture.

"These E-Handbooks can do so many things!" Monokuma said. "You can use them to take pictures, call or chat with your classmates, they have a map of the school and they provide you with some information on how to follow the rules or about some of your pupils. I know, amazing right? Monokuma Out!"

So after Monokuma was done with his announcement, Leo seemed curious and tapped his chin as he looked at the school map. "So according to this map, this way leads to the mess hall." He said as he pointed to the right. "And that way leads to the dormitories." He then pointed the other way.

"Alright guys, I think this is the perfect time for us to find escape and understand our surroundings." Velma said.

"Yeah, I agree with Velma." Alex said. "She seems to know what she's doing."

"Thanks." She said as she cleared her throat and discussed her plan. "Anyways, I propose we split up into groups of three, it'll be a faster way of figuring out some things."

"Hold on, who put you in charge, huh?" Sasha asked feeling unhappy.

"Well, I was the first one to suggest it." Velma said frowning at Sasha.

"Look guys, let's not fight right now." Mac said. "How about we just listen to Velma and search around."

"Watching your attempts at escaping is well and all, but I'll search alone." Mandy said as she walked away.

"Wait, you're not joining us?" Kuki asked. "Why?"

"It's just so that I won't become a victim of your murder schemes." Mandy said coldly. "One of you might be coming up with one already."

"Hold up!" Beast boy said as he got in front of Mandy. "How do we know if you're not the one planning a murder!?"

"Oh p-lease, get out of my way goblin!" Mandy said as she walked away, leaving Beast Boy insulted and upset.

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