Chapter 4 - Camp Monokuma (Part 3)

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Everyone stayed silent as they stared at Donnie's body, sure he was kinda a jerk to them but even he doesn't deserve to die a painful way.

" could this have happened again?" June said in fear as she saw Donnie's body. "This was supposed to be a fun party for all of us...and now look at what's happened."

"It seems like someone had one of the deadly sins and decided to snap." Mandy said as she looked at Donnie's body.

Suddenly, Kuki got up, but instead, she was back to being Oni Sanban. "Ha Ha! Heya kiddies!" Oni Sanban said. "What did I miss!?"

"Donnie's been killed, and Leo was one of the people that almost got killed." Beast Boy said to Kuki as he felt bad.

"Oh boy, well, can't say that I'll miss him after he revealed my identity." Kuki said as she was unbothered by Donnie's death.

"Hey! You can't say that! He was one of our classmates!" Beast Boy said in anger.

"So I guess maybe you weren't the one that did this, were you?" Mandy asked as she looked at Oni with suspicion.

"Oh yeah, blame the girl with the pointy ears and long tongue." Oni Sanban said as she was unsatisfied. "How clever, might I remind you that I don't kill! I punish by spanking!"

"Oh great, Monokuma gave us Monokuma File #5." Raven said as she looked at her digital notebook. "I guess I'll be the one to read it."

Clue: Monokuma File #4

"The victim was Donatello Hamato, the Ultimate Inventor, time of death, around 8pm, the corpse was found underneath the snack table at the vide area of the camp, cause of death was blood loss as his throat was slit by a sharp object, other injuries include several bruises from a fight he had."

Clue: Bruises From A Fight

"Alright, so Donnie's throat was cut by something sharp." Cyborg said as he was curious.

"We should go to warehouse first, there were some pretty dangerous weapons there." Mandy said as she head to the warehouse.

Everyone followed Mandy to the warehouse and noticed that the double doors were open, and the lock to the door was unlocked. "The lock is unlocked." Mandy said as she looked at the door.

"I wonder how they were able to unlock this place." Beast Boy said as he looked at the warehouse.

"Well, Donnie did tell me that there was a key that's used to lock and unlock the door." Leo said as he remembered. "Maybe someone took the key unlocked the warehouse."

"That is a possible theory." Velma said as she looked around.

Clue: Key to the Warehouse

"One of the knives is missing." Ruby said as she looked to where the knives and other tools were.

"Where do you think it could be?" June asked as she looked around.

Clue: Missing knife

As Mac was looking around, he noticed a strange black suitcase near the weapons. "A suitcase?" He asked as he took a look at it, he opened the suitcase, and suddenly, something launched out of the suitcase, and falling to the ground while landing on it's face, it was a strange rainbow colored and puffy humanoid.

The others were shocked of this. "Is he alive?" Cyborg asked as he looked at the rainbow humanoid.

The figure then got up and looked around where he was. "Huh? Where am I? Wh-What happened?" He asked as he looked around.

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