Chapter 3 - Catfight (Part 1)

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Everyone left the trial room after witnessing Amethyst's execution, Leo still couldn't find some good sleep, even after the horrible dreams were gone, the next day, the announcements came on.

"Rise and shine kiddos!!" Monokuma said through the speaker. "It's 7am so got and get your butts out of bed! Oh, and I gave you a little gift for winning yesterday's trial, and what would that be? Just some new rooms of course!! Ciao!!"

So Leo took a shower, put his clothes on and head on over to the canteen, as he got there, he found most of the students sitting at their own table with their own groups, instead of sitting together, Kuki was also back to her normal self.

"Morning Leo." Mac said as he went to Leo.

"Hey Mac." Leo said as he was still tired. 

"I take it you didn't get good sleep?" Mac asked.

"Nope." Leo said as he rubbed his eyes. "So did you hear Monokuma's announcement?"

"Yup." Mac said as he looked at his digital notebook. "Seems like Monokuma opened the third floor."

Then, Bloo came out of the kitchen with a wooden tray with a tea cup of warm milk and gave it to Sasha, who was sitting at a table by herself looking herself in the mirror.

"Your warm milk, your greatness." Bloo said as Sasha took the tea cup of warm milk.

She took a sip and seemed to like it, she saw Bloo still standing. "Yes?" She asked.

"Is there any other requests you have for me, your greatness?" Bloo asked as he waited.

"Hm, actually, there is." Sasha said as she smirked. "I want you to go back to the kitchen and bring me a salad, and make sure it doesn't have any meat."

"As you wish, your greatness." Bloo said as he sighed in happiness.

Leo and Mac were left confused, why is Bloo serving Sasha when she's been mean to all of us. "Bloo? What are you doing?" Mac asked.

"Oh nothing, just bringing the great Sasha what she ordered." Bloo said with a prideful smile. "I'm taking the job as being a servant to one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met."

"But Bloo, why would you serve for her?" Mac asked. "Like Duchess, she's mean to everyone."

"Oh please, I know she can be as mean as Duchess but at least she has looks, I mean look at her." Bloo said as he portioned at Sasha. "Beautiful red hair, gorgeous skin color, nice uniform, she has it all."

"I guess, but I feel like I've seen better." Mac said as he crossed his arms.

"So you're meaning to tell us that you think Ruby is cuter than Sasha?" Beast Boy said feeling curious as he and Cyborg smirked.

Mac's face turned red after hearing Ruby's name. "N-no, I mean she admittedly is cute but not like I like her, I mean..." 

"Now don't be lying to us Mac, me and Cyborg have been studying your behavior when you and Ruby are together." Beast Boy said as he smirked. "And I'm starting to think you have a thing for her."

"I do not!" Mac said with a little voice crack while blushing madly.

"Mac and Ruby, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!" Cyborg and Beast sang while teasing Mac.

"Shut up! It is nothing like that!" Mac said feeling flustered.

"Are you sure about that?" Cyborg asked. "Cause I'm starting to think that you're hiding some dirty secrets from us!"

"Look, me and Ruby are just friends." Mac said feeling flustered. "And what you think about us is totally inappropriate!!"

"Mac, calm down, you're gonna give yourself a panic attack." Marco said as he put his shoulder on Mac.

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