Chapter 4 - Camp Monokuma (Part 2)

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The next day, everyone gathered up at the mess hall to eat breakfast, Kuki made cinnamon rolls for everyone and they were delicious, Leo was sitting at Beast Boy and Cyborg's table eating cinnamon rolls.

"Mm, mm, mm, these cinnamon rolls are so sweet!" Beast Boy said as he was enjoying his cinnamon rolls.

"They sure are Beast Boy." Cyborg said as he ate his cinnamon rolls.

Mac arrived at the mess hall wearing the hoodie that Ruby gave him, his cheeks were flushing with red and he felt nervous, he sat at Cyborg and Beast Boy's table and put his head down and groaned.

"Why does it have to be so hard?" Mac asked feeling anxious.

"Wow, that's a nice hoodie you got there Mac." Beast Boy said as he liked his hoodie.

"Hey Mac, you okay?" Leo asked him.

"A little, but I still feel anxious." Mac said with a nervous tone as he lifted his head.

"About what?" Beast Boy asked.

Mac saw Ruby getting her Cinnamon Rolls, she noticed Mac and waved at him with a smile, Mac smiled a little and waved. He felt nervous about answering Beast Boy's question since Ruby was present.

"Um, could we take this conversation somewhere private?" Mac asked.

Leo, Beast Boy and Cyborg were a little confused by this but they went outside to take their conversation somewhere private, they decided to take this at Mac's cabin, and he told him his secret.

"YOU WHAT!?!" Beast Boy and Cyborg asked as they were surprised by what Mac told them.

"'re meaning to tell us..." Beast Boy asked as he was stunned.

"That you asked Ruby out..." Cyborg finished Beast Boy's sentence.

"ON A DATE!?!?!" They both asked.

"Yeah...kinda of..." Mac said shyly. "The problem is that...I don't really know what to do for her..."

"Well worry no more Mac my boy." Cyborg said smirking. "Cause Beast Boy and me, AKA: The Matchmakers, have just the thing you need for your date with Ruby."

Their conversation was interrupted by an announcement from Monokuma. "Testing, testing, is this thing on?" Monokuma asked through the speakers. "Oh whatever, alright kiddos, everyone head over the wide area of the camp! We're gonna have ourselves a pep rally!"

"Oh man...I gotta bad feeling about this." Beast Boy said as he didn't like the sound of the announcement.

As the announcement ended, everyone gathered at the wide area of the camp where a rectangular stage was built, and Monokuma was present.

"What pray tell have you gathered us here for?" Mandy asked feeling annoyed.

"Very good question Mandy!" Monokuma said as he rubbed his hand with excitement. "The reason I gathered you here was to give you, your next motive!"

"Oh no..." Leo said in fear as he knew what was about to happen.

"So, how this motive is gonna work is that one of you will be infected by one of the Seven Deadly Sins!!" Monokuma said with delight.

"The Seven Deadly Sins...I've heard so many stories about them back in Azarath." Raven said. "These sins are very powerful, and those who commit those sins, receive a punishment worse than death."

"Bingo! That's right everyone, you could either be infected by the grasp of greed, the hunger of gluttony, the taste of lust, the energy of pride, the rage of wrath, the green of envy or the boring laziness of sloth." Monokuma said as he explained the sins. "And for each hour you stay at this camp, that sin of yours will get worse and worse!"

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