Chapter 2 - Horrifying Dreams (Part 3)

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Everyone gathered in the gym and looked at Marinette's floating body, fear and anger were in some of the students, expect for Mandy of course.

"So, we got another killer on loose huh?" Mandy said without emotion.

"Man, who could've been so cruel to actually do this to her." Beast Boy said as he felt sorry for Marinette. "She was so nice to us, and now look at her."

"Seems like Monokuma gave us Monokuma File number two." Raven said as she looked at her E-Handbook.

Everyone else checked their E-Handbook and saw the new Monokuma File as well, it was just as detailed as Darwin's Monokuma File.

"So, who's gonna read it?" Marco asked feeling uneasy.

Ruby sighed sadly. "If no one's gonna read it, then I guess I should." She said as she then read the Monokuma file.

Clue: Monokuma File #2

"The victim was Marinette Dupen-Cheng, the Ultimate Fashion Designer, time of death, roughly 12:00 am, the corpse was found in the middle of the school pool on the second floor, the cause of death was being drowned, other injuries include a broken leg, an injured back, some burn marks on her tongue and a few scratch marks on her wrist."

"So many injuries..." June said as she felt disturbed by this file.

"I guess someone couldn't stand the dreams that they had and decided to snap." Mandy said without emotion.

"And judging by how many injuries there were on her body, someone must've really hated her.." Bloo said as he felt uneasy.

"Well, if the culprit is one of us again, I suggest we proceed the investigation." Mandy said as she walked out of the pool.

"Devil horns is right." Sasha said as she left with Mandy. "I'm out of here."

"I'm gonna go too." Donnie said as he left with the two mean girls.

"Those three are real odd cookies." Beast Boy said as he watched them leave. "I just can't believe this really happened again."

June noticed Raven, her expression was normal but it seemed more sad than usual, she walked over to Raven, who was holding her hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright Raven?" June asked.

"I'm fine, I just kinda feel bad on what happened to Marinette." Raven said as she looked away.

"Yeah, I'm sorry as well." June said as she felt down. "It seemed like you two liked each other."

"I guess you could say that..." She said.

"And, I never really got the chance to say thank you." June said as she held her still bandaged shoulder from Darwin's murder. "For you know..."

"Oh, don't mention it." Raven said as she walked away. "I think I'm just gonna head into my room, it would be better if you guys do the investigation without me."

Soon as she walked away, Beast Boy, Leo, June, Mac and Ruby felt sorry for Raven, they remembered that Marinette and her were bonding before Darwin's death, and they understood that it must've been hard for her.

"Well, I guess for now we could check the body." Cyborg said.

"But how will we check it if it's in the middle of the pool?" Bloo asked.

"No worries, I'll get it, you guys might feel uncomfortable after touching a dead body." Velma said as she went into the pool, she didn't care if her clothes got wet, she dragged Marinette's body towards the other students, placed it onto the ground and got out of the pool so that she and others could have a closer look.

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