Chapter 6 - Tension (Part 2)

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The next morning, everyone got out of their dorms and met up in the cafeteria, Ruby made everyone some pancakes for breakfast, well, it actually isn't everyone since one of the remaining students was missing.

"Mm, these pancakes are good." Beast Boy said as he smiled and ate his pancakes. "I gotta tell you, your cooking is top notch."

"Aw, thanks Beast Boy." Ruby said as she smiled.

June looked around and noticed that Mandy was missing. "Hey guys, has anyone seen Mandy?" She asked. "The whole time we were here, she never missed breakfast."

"Pfft, who would care about Mandy?" Tobias asked as he didn't care. "Considering that she's mean, grumpy and is a total party pooper"

"Look, I admit that Mandy hasn't been the nicest person we've had in our group, but she still happens to be one of the most intelligent peers that we've had." Mac explained. "So we have to at least feel like she's still important."

Suddenly, the announcements came on, Monokuma was sounding more aggressive than he was before. " boy I am one pissed off headmaster!!" Monokuma said through the speakers as he sounded threatening.

Soon after Monokuma finished his announcement, everyone started to get a little worried, sure Monokuma has been rough on them but they've never seen him get this angry.

After the students left the cafeteria and arrived at the gym, they saw Monokuma repeatedly punching a mackerel as if it was his punching bag, he also was pretty angry, causing the students to feel worried.

"This doesn't look so good..." Beast Boy said as he looked at Monokuma.

"Whatever happened to him, I think it caused him to be broken." Ruby said as she held her arm and felt uneasy.

"You're damn right I'm angry, Little Red, how am I supposed to feel okay when there's a thieving thief in our midst!!" Monokuma said as he continued punching the fish.

"Thief?" Leo asked as he was confused.

"Don't play dumb with me! One of you stole my treasure!" Monokuma said as he stopped punching the mackerel, the finishing punch Monokuma did was strong enough to make the mackerel hit back at Monokuma, causing him to fall on his knees and tear up. "And to think I treated you like honored guests, what kind of world do we live in nowadays!!"

"So, what kind of treasure is missing exactly?" June asked as she looked at Monokuma.

"As if you don't know!" Monokuma said as he was triggered. "You even went as far as hijacking a security camera! Another violation of school rules!!"

"Whoa, that's pretty stealthy." Tobias said as he was impressed.

Monokuma then noticed that Mandy was missing. "Hold on, you're one person short! Of course! That blonde haired demon was the one that stole it! I knew it!" Monokuma said as he was angry. "Wait hold on! I'm smarter than that! All of you are considered suspects! I swear when I find that thief, I'm gonna make sure they regret stealing from me!!"

So as the black and white bear disappeared, everyone started to feel a bit worried, who would even be brave enough to steal from Monokuma?

"I have to admit, stealing from that bear would have to take some major guts." Tobias admitted. "I wouldn't be surprised if Mandy was the one that did it."

"We don't know if it was actually Mandy." Velma explained. "All of us are considered suspects, so it's best if we become more careful than before."

Everyone then left the gymnasium to continue on with their day, Leo was in his room reading another book from the library, his reading was cut short when he got a text from Tobias, saying for every boy to meet him in his dorm.

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