Chapter 1- To Survive (Part 3/Final)

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Alright, here we have the first trial, who do you think will be executed, read this chapter to find out.

So Leo arrived at a small room where everyone was, there was a feeling of worry inside of him. Mac, Ruby and June noticed Leo and walked straight towards him.

"Hey Leo." Mac said. "Did you find anything?"

"Well—"Just then, Leo was interrupted by the sound of the doors opening to some kind of elevator.

"This elevator here will take you straight down to the trial room." Monokuma said through the speakers. "Best be ready for whatever clues you have since one of you pulled off a pretty impressive murder."

"Well good luck." Mandy said as she walked in with the others. "He's sure gonna need it."

Leo gave a gulp, June tapped his shoulder to grab his attention. "It's alright Leo." She whispered to Leo. "There's no need to worry so much, you still have an alibi right?"

Leo then remembered that he was with June last night before Darwin's murder happened, so this could be a way on how he could prove to everyone that he was innocent.

Everyone else then entered into the elevator and the elevator started moving them down to the trial room, everyone had stayed silent, as Leo looked around, he noticed that some of his peers had sad or scared looks on their faces, while others such as Mandy and Sasha didn't express much.

He looked at Ruby and noticed she had a sad look on her face, he felt bad for her since he thought that Darwin and Ruby were starting to become close when she was with him and Bloo the other day, and that it must've been hard for her to lose him at the hands of someone inside this elevator.

Suddenly, the elevator came to a stop, the doors opened to reveal a grand room that was decorated in blue and gold, with red curtains and some trial stands that formed some sort of circle. Monokuma was sitting on a big, fancy golden throne in the middle of the room.

"Alright, since all of you are present." Monokuma said. "Let's get started on the first class trial of Hope's Peak Academy! All of stand to the podium that has your name on it and get ready for the show to start!"

"Wait, I have a question." Velma said as she pointed at a black and white portrait of Darwin with a big red X on it. "What with the portrait of Darwin?"

"Oh that? It would've been rude of me to exclude the goldfish just because he's dead." Monokuma said. "Now, onto the first class trial of Hope's Peak Academy!!"

Class Trial Begin!

Everyone stood at the podiums that had their names on it, Leo was between Velma and June, and Darwin's portrait was between Marinette and Amethyst.

"Alright everyone, let me explain the rules for this trial." Monokuma explained. "During the class trial, you will debate on who's guilty, after you're done, you will vote on who's guilty, if you choose correctly, then the blackened will be punished, while you all live, but if you choose incorrectly, then only the murderer will leave, while the rest of you are punished. Oh and don't get cute and decide to not participate, that's another ticket to execution town."

"Oh come on! Do we seriously have to go through with this?" Sasha asked angrily as she looked at Leo. "It's obvious that Leo was the one that killed him!"

"Yeah right? We'll see after the debate!" Mac said as he tried to defend him.

"Ugh! Seriously, are you all that dumb!?" Sasha said angrily. "Leo was obviously the killer, how else could Darwin had gone inside his room while it was locked!?"

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