Chapter 3 - Catfight (Part 4/Final)

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Class Trial Start!!

"Alright kiddos, it's time to unmask the culprit who killed not one, but two of your beloved classmates!!" Monokuma said. "I look forward to this case cause this one's my favorite so far!!"

"So, how should we start this?" Beast Boy asked confused.

"Well we know that the victims this time were Marco and Bloo." Mandy said. "I say we first discuss on how Marco died since he was the first one to be found."

"Huh, for once sour puss is right on that idea." Oni Sanban said.

Non-Stop Debate!

"Okay, so the Monokuma File said that Marco died by being brutally eaten by the piranhas from the third fish tank." June said. "Although I don't see how they got into the giant fish tank."

"Well the file also said that Marco had a scar on his wrist." Velma said. "Maybe since he was bleeding, it caused the piranhas to attack him."

"But what could've caused that scar on his wrist?" Beast Boy asked.

"I think I might know the answer to that." Donnie said. "It was a small knife that I found in the aquarium, it had a few marks of blood on it so I went to take a look at it."

"So we know how Marco got that scar on his wrist." Cyborg said. "But how did Marco get inside the fish tank."

"My theory could be that the culprit might've pushed Marco into the big fish tank." Velma said. "Then the culprit might've used something to get the piranhas inside the fish tank."

"I agree with that!" Leo said.

Consent! Verbal Bullet Used:Wet Bucket

"You may be right Velma, there was a wet bucket that Mandy found in the aquarium." Leo said. "So maybe the culprit might've used that bucket to scoop the piranhas and put them inside the fish tank."

"Yeah, but someone had to have been quick and brave enough to do that." Raven said.

"Well since we know how Marco died, maybe it would be alright for me to share an interesting fact on the knife that I found." Donnie said as he got everyone's attention.

"What is it?" Sasha asked.

"Well, after I found the knife, I took a pair of gloves since I noticed something was off about this knife." Donnie said as he explained. "Then as I used a microscope and saw that the knife had abnormally large fingerprints on it, those finger prints, looked like they belonged to Bloo."

Everyone gasped in shock, Bloo was the one holding the small knife. "What?! Bloo had the small knife!? That's impossible!!" Mac said in disbelief.

"Oh really? Well maybe this will be enough evidence to prove that Bloo was the one holding the knife." Donnie said as he explained. "As you were investigating, I checked Bloo's hands and discovered that they very much matched the finger prints on the knife, thus, that concludes that Bloo was the one holding the knife and scarred Marco."

Everyone was in shock and disbelief, could Bloo really be the one holding the knife. "No...this can't be..." Mac said as he was breaking down to tears.

"Oh silence your crying Mac." Donnie said as he smirked. "Like most people say, the truth can hurt."

"Are you really this annoying when you're right?" Raven asked.

"So if Bloo was the one holding the knife, how did he die?" Ruby asked.

"Maybe the little blue thing regretted what he did and just decided to end his life." Oni Sanban said.

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