Chapter 6 - Tension (Part 4/Final)

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So after the remaining peers concluded their investigations, they met up at the elevator, getting prepared for the final trial of Hope's Peak Academy, there, they would discover the truth on who killed June, and the mastermind behind everything.

Some pupils were nervous, some were scared, but for Leo, he wasn't just a little nervous,  he was determined, determined to find the person responsible for taking away one of his best friends and the one who forced them to stay in this school and make them go through a psychotic cycle of torture.

Soon, after the elevator stopped moving, the doors opened up to reveal the trial room, only there was now a memorial portrait of June, Monokuma had some popcorn as he sat on his golden throne.

"Alrighty Chickadees!!" Monokuma said with joy. "It's time for the big finale!! Not only will we discover on who killed June, but we will also unveil the true mastermind behind everything!! And remember, it's not two people working together, so it's important you just choose one!!"

Class Trial Start!!

"So, where should we start off?" Beast Boy asked as he was confused.

"Well for starters, we could start on what was used to kill June." Velma said as she fixed her glasses. "Anyone have any ideas?"

"I think I have one." Leo said as he got everyone's attention. "Me and Kuki found a strange looking dagger in one of the drawers of the principal's desk, it also had a bit of blood on it."

"I see, so I guess it was safe to assume that the strange dagger was used to kill June." Velma said as she and the others agreed.

"Well now that we've found the murder weapon." Mandy explained. "We could discuss on what happened before June's death, we might get some more answers by doing that."

"Well, I know that the girls and I were at the cosmetology room on fifth floor, before June died." Kuki explained. "And that the boys were also in Tobias' room on the first floor."

"I see, so I guess this means that the only person who killed June, must've been one of the girls that were on the fifth floor." Tobias said as he was starting to find some sort of clue.

"That would make sense." Velma said as she agreed. "I mean I did see a mask in one of the girls bathroom, that mask looked like the person that attacked me, so I think it is safe to say that the killer and the mastermind might be a girl."

"I see, so in order to unmask the culprit." Tobias said as he got out his notepad. "I must ask all the girls on what happened before June died, Ruby, why don't you tell us what happened?"

"Well, me and the girls were having some girl time, then June  left as she said that she had to go to the bathroom." Ruby explained. "Me and the others were playing truth or dare, then I left the room to go check up on June. Next I heard a scream of pain, I got worried since that scream kinda sounded like it came from June, while I was looking for June, I noticed that the doors of the principal's office were open, I took a peak inside and...that's when I saw June, she was injured and had her ankle scarred, I tried carrying her but it didn't do much help, so I left the office and warned to others girls on what happened, Kuki went to get supplies, I went to warn Leo and the others, and Velma went to check on June."

"Went to check on June eh?" Tobias asked as he was jolting down notes. "Hmm, interesting..."

"Hmm, you know, Tobias might actually be on to something." Mandy said as she turned to Velma. "I mean you did say that you were going to check on June right? Sounds awfully suspicious to me."

Everyone turned to Velma, who kept herself calm and didn't feel shock. "It's true, I did stay up on the fifth floor, and I got knocked out by someone who was wearing a strange mask, but I didn't know much about this principal's office." Velma said in a calm manner. "So I don't understand on how I could lure June in there if the doors were locked."

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