Part 34 Preparations 1

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"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." ~Christian Larson~

"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors." ~African Proverb~

A/N: WARNING! You may cry because of happiness. Side note: Medical terms may not be accurate; the research reflects real-time events/outcomes while research is being conducted. It is not magic, sometimes it may need to be improved. Illness and side effects are my own creation/mix of other symptoms.

It was as if Mew was afraid of Gulf leaving him, especially now that he has no hair, he was losing weight at a rapid rate and his skin was invaded by brown patches.

Mew clasped his fingers with Gulf's, he wanted to make sure Gulf would be there when he wakes up. He opened his eyes in the middle of the night, just to make sure Gulf was still there.

Mew's heart relaxed when he noticed a sleepy Gulf still there, holding his hands, sharing the same bed, cuddling.

Mew looked at a sleepy Gulf, "You do not know how my heart fluttered after so long, because of you, just by seeing your face." Mew caressed Gulf's face, tracing his facial features with his index finger, landing on his lips.

Mew felt an electric shock running through his body, landing on his heart. He was feeling Gulf's soft lips at his fingertips along with his warm breathing. It has been a long time they are not together, his body knew it, his body needed to be touch by Gulf.

In the back of his mind, Mew was still afraid of what happened years back with Knock. Shaking his head, trying to erase those troubling thoughts, hunting his mind.

"No, I need to trust him; I know he loves me. I need to be confident; I need t-" Mew whispered this to himself, but suddenly felt the need to throw up.

Running to the bathroom as quickly as he could, closing the door behind him trying to muffle the noise, and not waking Gulf up.

Unknown to Mew, Gulf was awake, actually, he woke Gulf up when he began to trace his face.

"Every day I will show you how much I love you; I will show you that you are worth loving," Gulf reply to Mew in his head.

Gulf got up and went to the bathroom, knowing on the door, giving Mew some privacy.

"Mew, I would like to come in," Gulf waited for Mew to reply.

"No, I am fine. Almost done, please wait outside," Mew wiped his dirty mouth, holding himself from the wall as he was getting up.

Gulf knocked again, "Mew, I am telling you to let me in just to be polite and give you a little privacy. Yet, I am coming in, you are not alone, I told you that I am here with you. Please, do not be afraid, I am here for you, I am coming in."

It was silent, so Gulf opened the door and saw a pale Mew leaning on the white walls, holding his chest.

"Mew!" Gulf rushed to him, just in time, Mew collapsed, his body landed on top of Gulf.

"Mew, sit here, let me get you some water. You still need to be careful; you are still recuperating. You need to know that sometimes you need help."

Gulf was so nervous, the water was at the rim of the glass, tiny drops landed on the floor as he was coming back to help Mew drink.

Mew was able to drink just a bit, wiping his mouth again, "I am afraid Gulf, I am trying, but I am afraid. I can't help, but wonder about our future, the way I am feeling. I know the new treatment will take time to work but look at me."

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