Chapter 2

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Ava's pov

Ugh time to keep moving. Mia has been in a better mood this morning. I don't know what it is but shes happy. Huh I wonder why?

Mia's pov

I started writing in my dairy again, dad was right it makes u feel better. I was in a better mood this morning until later. We ran into a fucking herd, ya you heard me a herd. I was so pissed me and Ava got up in the tree and sat there. We tried waiting it out it was taking to long. Ava had the same idea as me, she started killing the walkers. We don't use guns we use silent weapons I have my crossbow she has her knifes. I told her I would teach her how to use a crossbow but she wont let me she says that, we are going to find dad and he will teach her, I get so pissed when she does that. I cant get mad know. We had to keep moving no stopping not at all.

Ava's pov

I grabbed my knifes from the walkers. I wanted to go check this place out called terminus. Mia said that's where we were heading, I can't wait maybe dad will be there.Mia got prissy again after the herd making me in a dumpy mood. Why does she have to.

Daryl's pov

I lost Bella and Beth they got taken away by a car. Now I lost my wife ugh I followed the car but ended up loosing it. I had to keep moving no looking back. I kept moving forward, not looking back. I will find Beth and Bella. Mia and Ava will find me and I know they will. I hope there both alive Bella has gotten to me and I'm pissed. Why cant she just believe that they are alive like really. I keep moving and run into a group.

Ava's pov

Me and Mia stopped for the night got in a tree and spent the night there. I took out my diary and started writing in it. I saw Mia doing the same I'm so happy for her.
Dear diary,
Dad will find us he will. Mom not so much she never cared about us it was just an act for dad when I find her I'm going to kill her. Ok I sound a little like Mia right now but, I don't care. Lets get back to today. Me and Mia got up for the day and started walking. Mia was in a better mood this morning until we ran into walkers we climbed into a tree and tried to wait it out. It was talking to long so we killed all like fifty of them. That leaves us here it was a long day did almost nothing ugh!!

Mia's pov

So Ava took her diary out to write in so I did too. Ava saw me and smiled, I started writing.
Dear diary,
Ava convinced me to write in this. It gets me in a better mood. I know dad is trying to look for us but that bitchy mother of ours isn't letting him. He cares for us and will do anything to find us its our mother. Next time I see her I'm gonna kill her and I don't care how crazy I sound. Shes gonna die.

I stopped writing in my dairy and closed it Ava saw me and did the same. We saw a group under the tree pass us. Just a bunch of prissy little girls whoops I meant just some tough men. (Editing this and remember me being so happy with that lol) I saw one with brown hair it was long and shabby how can a guy let it get like that. Yes its the zombie apocalypse but still you can try to cut it. Like dad did at the beginning or he quit don't know.

Ava's pov

We saw a group pass under us I saw I guy look up it looked like dad. I knew it wasn't though dad had short hair unless he didn't cut it after awhile. I wasn't going to take the chance in jumping down Mia would kill me and only a Dixon can kill a Dixon.


Bad way to end the chapter yea. I'm going to try and wrote a chapter everyday if I don't I'm busy. Ill try to stick with it this time it will either be a long one or short one or none at all depending on what I'm doing that day. -Lara

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