Chapter 4

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Ava's pov

I wonder who Michonne is. The little boy's mom I know that but, who is she? Did she survive? I should Ignore it. But the little boy remembers his moms name but not his, damn he's retarded. Well I'm gonna sit down and write in my dairy. We are taking a break and letting the little boy rest.

Mia's pov

So Ava was acting different. Did she know something I didn't? Well she is sweeter than me, I'm just a bitch that's what people say. We took a break so that the little boy could rest. Ava right away took her diary out and started writing in it. I know that she loves to write in it but, she is to sweet something will happen. Well sometimes! I know she loves that dad gave her it to her. I stole her diary and read it once, while she was sleeping. He he I'm evil. I noticed that on every page on the bottom corner it says "Dixon's never die" I like that. She writes it on every page. I also read one of her first dairy entry's ill tell you.
Dear diary,
Um this is my first dairy entry. I'm going to say the basics. I'm 10 years old. I have blond hair and blue eyes. Well my birthday is June 11th. I hope I'm not forgetting anything. Um well the thing I wanted to write about was my crush on Carl. He is so sweet. I think he likes Sophie though. Shes just a little baby that doesn't know anything though.
By me,

So Ava had a crush on Carl. I do remember that Carl had a crush on Sophie though. He told me and I was upset with him but didn't show it because I knew Ava liked him.

I heard a noise and spun a round someone came out of the woods.

Ava's pov

I heard something and shut my book grabbed my knife and stood up. A lady came out of the trees and the little boy runs up to her.

"Mommy," he said. Oh that must be Michonne.

Michonne's pov

I was minding my own business walking through the woods. I walk out of the woods to see a girl with a crossbow pointed at my head. The other girl hand knifes in her hands. Then I here it something I never thought I would here again.

"Mommy," my little boy said.


"Is that my name mommy?"

"Yes honey,"

Ava's pov

After their little reunion we kept going. Michonne said she would come to terminus with us if we found her group first. I wonder who her group is?

Mia's pov

We are sticking with Michonne but we have to find her group first. I wonder who??

Daryls pov

I hate this group I'm with and their stupid rules. I want to leave but they have my stuff. I got blamed today for stealing something I didn't. Then they killed the man that accused me of stealing. They beat him to death. I want my children back just please.

Michonne's pov

I kept walking and saw footprints we followed those and that led to a shop. There is a walker in there but looks like it was killed not that long ago. I follow these tracks that lead to a town. It so cute I would have loved a place like this. I see a can on the ground and pick it up.

Ava's pov

Michonne picked up a can looked like pudding, yum pudding. I miss pudding. It was freshly opened and I could tell I knew Michonne did to by the look on her face. Mia was giving Andre a piggyback ride something she does rarely to little kids. Well there are no kids so yea. We followed Michonne and saw a house we walked up and looked in the window she knocked on the door and it took about 2 minutes until someone opened the door. I couldn't tell who it was Michonne and him just hugged.

Then I knew who it was when someone came out the door.

"Officer friendly," Me and Mia said at the same time.



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