Chapter 10

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I heard a voice I thought I would never hear again.

"These are good people," He said.

"They killed our friend they are not good people," the guy im geussing the leader said. My dad was standing in front of me and didnt notice me till now.

"Ava!" He screamed.

"You know this girl,"the leader said.

"Yes," Dad said.

"Good you can watch her get raped," the leader said. They were to busy watching the leader to notice me grab thge knife in my boot. I stabbed the guy in the head and he fell over.

"These are not good people," the leader said and went to shoot Andre but I jumped in front. I felt it go threw my abdomin. I fell to the ground feeling the warm liquid on my stomach. It hurt really bad. I watched as people started killing people. It slowly went back.

"Uncle Merle is that you," I said.
"Yes honey," he said I gave him a hug. "Where am I."
"No where right know im sending you back."
"Uncle Merle how did you die?"
"I got shot."
"Its fun being shit isnt it!"
"No not at all," was the last thing I said before I started gaining consciousness.

I couldnt open my eyes it was to hard to. I felt the pain in my side. Why did I do that for a little lid hes gonna die anyways. I felt someone grab ny hand and sit down. They were crying I could tell it was Carl. I squeezed his hand letting him know im awake.

"Ava?" He questioned. I forced my eyes open and I looked at him. It was Carl and I knew it.

"Im going to get Daryl," he said. When he left I looked down to my side. It hurt really bad! Daryl and Carl came back.

"Ava your up," Dad said.

"No im not," I say and close my eyes. Dad laughs thats what I wanted. He barley laughed ever. I opened my eyes.

"You up know?" He asked.


"Ok so you are?"


"How are you feeling?"

"Hmm I dont know how to answer that question."

"Yes or No."

"I feel like I just got shot, hows that?"

"Hmm good enough."

He turned to leave.



"Why didnt anyone tell me Uncle Merle died?"

"Umm I dont know, how did you figure out?"

"Dad I saw him."


"Before I woke up."

"Your joking right."

"If I was joking how did I figure out? No one told me."

"Yea I geuss what did you guys talk about?"

"Well I asked him where I was and he said dont worry about that he was sending me back. I asked him how he died. He said he got shot. The last thing he said is how does it feel to be shot? Then I woke up."



There was akward silence for a minute then dad left.

"Ava are you ok?" Carl asked.

"Do I look ok?" I snapped.


"Sorry I didnt mean to yell."

"Its ok."

"I just cant believe I risked my life for Andre."

"He still got hit, well it grazed him."

"Oh poor kid."

"Yea." He said then kissed me.

I kissed back then pulled away. I scooted over and Carl went and layed next to me. He wrapped his arms around me careful not to touch the bandage. We both slowly fell asleep.


Hope you liked it. Should I kill Andre later? Comment??- Lara

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