Chapter 6

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Carl's pov

I woke up to hearing everyone talking downstairs. I sit up to see Ava sitting in the corner writing In her diary.

"Hey," I said.

"Oh good your awake," she said.

"Why aren't you downstairs with everyone else?"

"Your dad said to wake you up," Ava said.

"Ok why didn't you wake me up?"

"I don't know, you looked tired," she said.

"Wow thanks," I said. I got up and grabbed my hat. Me and Ava walked downstairs together and went to the rest of the group. Andre was still sleeping on the couch. He is so small I didn't even know that Michonne had a child. We got to the group and started talking about our plans.

Ava's pov

So we went downstairs to talk about our plans.

"So lets leave in a little bit, we should go clear out some houses and get supplies," Mia said.

"Thats not a good idea were loosing daylight, " Rick said.

"Rick we need food and weapons, just in case something happens, we need weapons," I said.

"Shes right dad," Carl said. It was nice for Carl to back us up. I really liked him know!

"Rick listen to them they're right, its not just walkers we have to worry about, "Michonne said. I loved this group officially.

"Fine but ill stay here and keep it safe," Rick said. Why does he need to watch this place again? Oh yea he's injured still hehe. We walked out the door and started to go. We left Andre with Rick, Michonne didn't want to loose him again. We went right to a house. Mia and Michonne cleared out downstairs. Carl and I had upstairs.

"So Carl pop quiz," I say really fast.

"Ok and that is," he said.

"Favorite color?" I ask.

"Umm blue," he said.

"Really I didn't know that."

"Whats yours Ava."

"Lime green."

"Wait this is your pop quiz, " I said back fast.

"Ok never mind I give up," I said. Me and him walked in a room we talked about what happened after the camp.

"Well Dale died because of me. Dad killed Shane and I shot Shane when he turned. We figured out my mom was pregnant. We met some new people called the Greene's. In there family it is Beth, Maggie, Hershel, and well Patricia died. We found a prison and took it. My mom died while giving birth. My dad became a farmer. Then the prison gotten taken away by a man called the Governor. He killed Hershel and Michonne killed the Governor. " he said.

"Really wow what about your sister or brother?" I asked.

"Umm well its a sister and umm..she..well," he started but I cut him off.

"Its ok Carl you don't have to tell me," I said.

"Thanks," he said on the verge of tears. I gave him a hug and he hugged back. We continued clearing the house. Dang its big.

"Wait what about you," he asked.

"Oh well when we got separated Mia took care off me. I didn't know what to do. I almost got raped. I shouldn't have told you that sorry. Um Mia and I found a guy. She started dating him and he cut her. I had to kill him and It ruined my life for a couple months. Mia helped me I learned how to throw knifes well. We found a dog I kept it as a pet. Umm then I got hungry and ate it hehe. Then we found Andre them Michonne. Then you guys." I said.

"Wow um crazy well you almost got raped sorry about that, but the dog thing is funny." We laughed for awhile then we finished clearing. We went downstairs to Michonne and Mia. I saw something I never wanted to see.

Uh oh what happened keep reading to find out -Lara

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