Chapter 20

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Avas pov

It as been a week since we left the group. I miss Carl really really bad. I cant be seen with him though. It will ruin the plan. This guy is really into me here his name is Brian. (Picture of Brian on top or side.)

I dont like him. I have Carl. He doesnt get it, that I dont want to be with him. He keeps trying to have sex with me but I push him off. He keeps trying to Kiss me and again I push him off. Hes a dumbass, once Mia figures out hes gonna die.

Mias pov

"Umm Mia can I talk to you?" Ava asked.

"Yea," I said and followed her. Did she ruin the plan?

"Its about a guy."

"What?" I said kinda angry she cant leave Carl they are perfect for eachother.

"The kid brian."

"Keep goin."

"He keeps trying to have sex with me and kiss me."

"Oh hes gonna die."

"You cant kill him it will ruin the plan."

"Yea yea we better get this done soon."

"I agree, I need Carl back." Ava said and walked away. I was happy she loved Carl. For a minute there I thought she wanted to break up with Carl.

Avas pov
Dear diary,
Brian......Brian. .......Brian. He is an ass. I cant wait until I get to kill him. We are gettin more secrets of this place. They has some pretty weak people. If we get there weapons they are useless. Thats our first step, then we get our people out give them the weapons and we destroy this place.

I just finished writing in my dairy. Now I need to tell Mia the plan.

Mias pov

We need to make a plan. We have 3 days to get this done.3 days is when they get eaten. I need to talk to Ava about it.

*time jump*

"GET OFF IF ME PERVERT." I SCREAMED. A guy was trying to have sex with me I think his name is Cody. Oh my god hes gonna rape me. He has half my clothes off and his friends are tieing me up and putting a gag on me. He got my underwear off and I dont know what happened after It went black.

*she woke up*

Did he rape me no no no. I saw the guy on the floor naked and passed out. All his friends too. Huh? Then I see Ava.

'Ava?" I asked. Then there was growling she was a walker what no! I failed my only task. Then she bit me. I screamed.

The end jk keep reading!

I woke up from my dream screaming. I wasnt raped I must have fallen asleep. Ava ran to me.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"No a dream and you know my dreams always come true."

"What happened?"

"You got bit."

"Ill stay close to you." She said. She was getting it. This dream will happen uh oh.

How did u like 'the ending' lol. I was having fun writing her dream. Do you guys think it will come true? What will happen to the rest of the group? Uh oh 3 days!!! Comment...plz.

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