Chapter 9

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Avas pov

We were almost to terminus. We had like 50 miles to go. Mia and Thomas got closer to eachother. Mia helpec take care of Andre now. She treated him like a brother. She started to fet her old life back. Her happier live. We kept walking and I stopped walking. Carl stood next to me as I searched in my bag. I was thirsty and could tell he was to. He was getting dehydrated.

"Rick im going to find water," I said.

"Ok," Rick said.

"Im coming with you," Carl said.

Carl and I walked in the woods looking for a river. I saw one, I started running pulling Carl by tge arm. We got there and I started to fill up the water bottles.

"Im so thirsty, " Carl said.

"Same." At that moment I fell in the river.

"Hey," I said while laughing.

"Well you gonna help me out?" I asked Carl. He gave me his habd but i pulled him in.

"Hey," He said. We collected some more water.

"We should head back," I said.


We walked back when we got there everyone stared at us. Oh yea we were wet.

"We found water," I said holding up a water bottle with a cheeky smile.

"I can see that," Rick said trying to hold in his laugh but it came out.

"What happened guys?" Rick asked.

"Carl pushed me in the river. Then when he tried to help me out I pulled him in," I said. They all laughed even Mia.

Mias pov

Carl and Ava cane back soaked. They explained why and it was funny. I started laughing and so did everyone else. They are so cute together.

Avas pov

We kept going we didnt stop until nightfall. We found a car me and carl cleared it. We climbed in it and so did Andre. I fell asleep in Carls arms.

*1 hour later*

I heard a yelling outside. I geuss carlq did too. Before we knew it we were pulled out of the car. I was held to the ground by a ugly guy. He was going to rape me.

"No no let me go plz," I cried out. Carl was trying to get out of the other giys arms to come to me. I cried and cried. Then I heard a voice I thought I would never here again.

Sorry short chapter thought I should end it there- Lara

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