09|Tipsy Muggle Fun

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❃.✮:▹  ◃:✮.❃

6th Year of Hogwarts ❃

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6th Year of Hogwarts
❃.✮:▹  ◃:✮.❃

"OW! TWAT!" Eloise yelped. "I'M NOT A TWAT! YOU'RE A TWAT!" Sirius reamed back, pushing Eloise so hard that the girl tumbled out from under the cloak.

The other four Marauders appeared as James bundled up the cloak in his arms. Peter extended his hand and helped Eloise up.

"It seems we are too big to all fit under the cloak," Remus sighted, he munched on his lower lip. Sirius laughed. "We? Foxy hardly counts, she's tiny, even on her platforms." On queue, one of Eloise's platform heels slammed down on Sirius' right foot.

Sirius cried out in pain, clutching his foot tightly. Eloise snorted. "If you can't handle that, then how am I supposed to pierce your ears tomorrow?" She smirked as Sirius sent her a death glare.

James watched Sirius and Eloise arguing like fishwives before turning to Peter and Remus. "I say we just go and leave those two." Apparently those words beaconed Eloise and Sirius' attention. "How dare you?!"

James shrugged. "You two are acting like children, children aren't allowed to come with us."

Peter swore the floor rumbled slightly as Eloise started to stomp towards James. "Ho, ho, ho," Remus swooped in, wrapping an arm across her chest. "Look, Wormtail, Foxtail and Padfoot just need to transform. We'll fit then."

Eloise rolled her eyes. "Fine." She jumped up and landed into Remus' arms. In a blink of an eye, a red fox had taken the brunette's place. A small smile played on James' lips before he threw the cloak over Remus and himself. Little paws clutched onto James' ear for dear life as the Marauders set off.


A filthy train ride later, the Marauders found themselves in a lively muggle town.

People with spiked leather jackets and colourful spiky hair sat on short walls and benches as they puffed smoke out of their mouths. Neatly dressed people rushed through the streets while clutching their bags and briefcases. Friends in disco jumpsuits strutted down the sidewalks singing.

The Marauders followed a a small group of friends dressed in yellow, blue and red. They arrived at a small cinema. A sign outside said:


James, Sirius and Eloise shared quick nervous glances before studying everything Remus and Peter were doing. "Should we do something?" Eloise whispered. James shrugged and Sirius mirrored his actions. Seconds later, Remus returned holding five tickets and Peter returned with a few sweets bags.

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