Chapter 1 - Kari's perspective - Arrival

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"We're here, Crystal Cove!" My mother shouted, slamming the car door behind her.
I looked around at our new home. It looks like an old-style Mansion that an old person would own. I wish we just could've stayed in Odaiba. I turned to my brother who didn't look pleased with the house either.
"It looks haunted," My brother said.
"Oh please" My mother scolded "Tai the house isn't haunted"
"Whatever you say mom," Tai said, dragging his backpack into the house.
"Dibs on the biggest room" I said running up the stairs.
"I'm the oldest, it should be mine," Tai said.
"And what if I'm there first?" I said in a snobby tone stopped in the middle of the stairway with my bag flung over my shoulder.
"Then I'll drag you out of MY room myself" Tai shouted dashing up the stairs after me.
I ran down the hallway and then made a left and slid into the house's largest bedroom. Of course, my brother wasn't having it. He poked his head into the bedroom that I had claimed.
"Didn't I tell you this room was mine?" Tai said with his arms crossed leaning against the doorframe.
"Well I was here first and I'm not moving!" I ordered.
He put down his bag and walked into my room and picked me up. He threw me over his shoulder and placed me gently into the room across the hall which was significantly smaller than my first choice.
"Maybe you should have stayed out of my room, Kari" Tai said before aggressively closing the door.
I guess I should unpack my stuff. My room was quite nice, there was even a bay window! Even though the room was fairly small, I still liked it. I spent the next hour unpacking my stuff well listening to my favourite band, Queen. Things were finally looking like home again. I had navy bed sheets with gray pillows. There's a light pink mural hanging off my wall with butterflies on it, I painted it by myself when I was 11. We moved to Crystal Cove after the death of my father. Our house was broken into and he was sadly shot. That was the last thing I wanted to think about right now, but I couldn't help it. His death hit our family hard, Tai took it the worst of anyone. Now we came to this weird little town, like who calls a town Crystal Cove? It sounds like something out of a scooby doo movie. I picked up a stack of boxes and started carrying them over to my closet when I trip on my radio.
"Aahhhhh" I shrieked as I dropped all the boxes and fell to the floor
"You good?" Tai said poking his head in my room "Try not to die we just got here."
"Yea I'll try" I said sarcastically.
"Kids dinner!" My mother shouted.
"Coming!" I shouted "I'm starving, there better be something good"
"Same, I hope it's pizza," Tai said.
My brother and I ran down the stairs eager to eat only to find our mother standing at the door. She looked like she was about to leave.
"Wait, wait, wait" Tai said "Where's the food?"
"I'm going out, find something for you and your sister to eat in the kitchen" My mother said
"But Mom" Tai wined "I thought you made us food"
"No I'm busy, make it yourself" My mother said exiting the house and shutting the door behind her
"Ugh" Tai said "We're going to starve!"
"Let's see if there's anything in the kitchen" I said trying to be optimistic
"Kari we just moved" Tai said "There's not going to be any food"
I opened every cabinet in the kitchen, nothing.
"Told you we're going to starve" Tai said
"Let's go into town!" I suggested "Maybe there's a pizza shop"
"That's not a bad idea" Tai said "Get your coat"

Authors note: Hey guys! this is a new story i'm going to be starting. I haven't abandoned my other one but I just wanna something new. I also submitted this for a project for English so I actually worked on it in class so that helped. i'm gonna try my best to update it each week but please be patient with me :)

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