Chapter 5- Kari's perspective - Earthquake

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Tuesday had been a very rainy day, well so far anyway. I was sitting in math class staring out the window, watching the water fall to the ground when my thoughts were rudely interrupted
"Kari number four, answer it now" Mrs. Johnstone demanded
Oh shoot, I wasn't paying attention. Now what?
"Uh, 64?" I blurred out
"Kari the class is doing fractions" Mrs. Johnstone said
"Oh I'm sorry" I said apologetically
"You need to start paying attention" Mrs. Johnstone said
I nodded and started pulling out my notes. The blonde sitting in front of me turned around with a comforting smile on his face.
"You know I could tutor you" Tk suggested "I'm pretty good at math"
"That would be great, I have no idea what I'm going" I said brushing a piece of my hair behind my ear
"Does today after school work?" Tk asked
"Sure, you can come over to the old creepy mansion" I joked
"Great see you then" Tk said turning back around to face the board
I don't think he took that as a date but I kinda did. I'm pretty sure I was blushing because Davis looked like he was about to explode. Then the bell rang so I didn't stick around to find out. The day when by like a breeze. I was so deep in thought I'm not sure I even said a word at lunch. After school was over I went to collect my stuff from my locker when I saw my favourite blonde.
"Ready to go?" Tk said
"Always" I respond
We left school and started walking down the path back to my house.
"Does your family know I'm coming?" he asked
"No, but it'll be fine my mom doesn't care" I said
"What about your brother" Tk pointed out
"Uh it'll be fine he's too lazy to commit murder" I joked
Tk looked at me like I was crazy. Clearly, he didn't get the joke. Although deep down I knew I wasn't joking.
"Ready to enter haunted Kamiya house?" I asked as we approached the house
"As long as I have you" he said looking down at me
We walked up the steps to the house and opened the door. I looked for my brother's shoes but they were nowhere to be found. He wasn't home yet, thank god.
"Hi mom," I said peering into the living room "I have a friend over I hope that fine"
"Hi honey that's fine" My mother said pausing midway through her sentence "Is that a boy? Hold on I wanna say hello!"
"Oh jeez" I said
"Hi, I'm Mrs. Kamiya but you can call me Yuuko" She said
"Nice to meet you I'm Tk" He said shaking my mom's hand
"Don't let Tai see him" My mother laughed
"Should I be scared?" Tk joked
"No" I said at the same time as my mother
"Yes" My mother said at the same time as me
Tk looked stunned.
"Do not let my mother scare you" I said taking his hand and pulling him into the basement
"Whatever you say Kari" Tk sighed
We sat on the floor because my mother had put the new couch in the basement yet. We opened our math binders and started working.
"Does that make more sense?" Tk asked
"Ya, it kinda does" I responded
I looked up at him only to see him starring at my lips.
"Kar" He said
I returned the stares and leaned in closer. I had almost reached his lips when we heard shouts only belonging to one person. We quickly broke apart
"TG get away from my girl!" Davis screeched
"I'm not your girl!" I hollered at him "Take a hint!"
"Davis stop!" I heard my brother shout
"Hi Mrs. Kamiya" An unknown female voice said calmly
"Woah you didn't tell me blondie was coming over" Tai said
"I can't believe you invited him and not me!" Davis wined
"Isn't that hard to believe" Tai mumbled
"Who are we talking about? Matt said poking his head in the doorway "Oh it's my brother, hey Lil bro"
"Hi matt" Tk said rolling his eyes
"Wait I wanna say hi!" The unknown female voice said
It was the orange-haired girl that always sat at my brother's lunch table
"Aw your little sister is so cute Tai," the girl said running down the stairs "Hi I'm sora"
"Nice to meet you Sora" I said
"Your brother has told me so much about you!" Sora exclaimed
"I bet he did," I said glaring at my brother
"Anyway we're going upstairs, Davis go study with them or whatever" Tai said "Later"
I looked at Tk with disappointment in my eyes as Davis raced down the stairs to sit next to me. Sora walked back up the stairs and left with Tai and Matt.
"I'm going grocery shopping!" My mother yelled
"Okay" I yelled
"What are you doing Kari?" Davis asked
"Tk and I were doing math" I said rolling my eyes
"I hate math" Davis said crossing his arms
"Hold on I need an eraser" I said getting up and walking over to the shelf where my pencil case was.
I was going through my pencil case when the ground started shaking.
"Aaahh" I said falling to the ground
"Kari look out!" Tk cried "it's going to fall"
I looked back only to see the shelf falling right towards me. Then everything went black. It was black because my eyes were closed. Turns out there was a hole in the shelf and I had been in the right spot at the right time and was sitting on the floor, covering my head, in the small hole of the shelf. In the chaos of the earthquake, a small envelope fell off the shelf into my lap.
"Everyone okay?" Tai said frantically running down the stairs
"Barely" I said sitting in the hole of the shelf in pure shock
"By the looks of it you got lucky sis," Tai said pulling me out of the hole "What's that envelope you have?"
"I'm not sure," I said "It fell off the shelf when the shelf fell on me"
"You should open it" Matt said standing behind his brother with Sora
I carefully opened the envelope up. It was a note erratically written in black ink.
"I can't read that I'm going to be sick" I said passing the note to Tai
"I will" Tai said taking the note from me with a concerned look on his face
You left me in the dust in 1910 April 4
East end beach 20 years after
I will strike again and get revenge
Watch out Kamiya
"I think I'm going to shit my pants" Tai said after reading it out loud
"I already did" Davis admitted
"20 years later April 4, that's today!" Sora shouted
"Is there a west end beach in Crystal Cove?" I asked
"Yes, yes there is," Tk said "Let go, come on!"
Tk, Davis, Tai, Sora, Matt and I all took off running for the beach. No one knew what revenge could be taking place at the west end beach, or if we were too late. Maybe the note was a prank but we couldn't take any chances. We passed Mimi and Yolei on the way to the beach.
"Where are you guys running in such a rush?" Mimi wailed
"If it's important I wanna come!" Yolei cried
"Can't explain follow us!" Sora yelled
And just like that our running group grew. We had gotten to the beach only to see Cody rapped in a hug with a tall blue-haired boy crying his eyes out.
"What's happening?" Yolei asked "What's wrong Cody?"
The tall blue-haired boy looked up with teary eyes looking for the right words to say
"There's been a death in crystal cove" The tall blue-haired boy said

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