Chapter 12 - Tai's perspective - Sibling telepathy

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"Where do we start?" Tk asked
"I'm not sure," I said "Where does one find a power crystal?"
"Maybe the church? They have power" Matt suggested
"Matt be serious, we have to find her!" Tk said
"You know that's not a bad idea," I said "It's worth a try"
They started walking in the direction of Crystal Cove Church of Christ, the only church in town. Matt tried comforting Tk as he was a mess in Kari's kidnapping, even more than me. The two blonde brothers walked significantly in front of me. If I was being honest I was lost in deep thought. I was thinking about the last time something had happened to Kari back in Odaiba. Back when I was only seven, Kari had been sick and stayed home from kindergarten. I knew she was sick but I couldn't leave her by herself. So I brought her outside with me. That was a mistake. We were just playing soccer when she kicked the ball in the total opposite direction than I was. I was confused, usually she was better than this. I picked up the ball and turned back around to see her passed out on the ground. She had fainted from the heat and it was all my fault. A woman at the park called 911 and before I knew it I was at the hospital. Mom and Dad flipped out as Kari was now on life support. That was the first time my mother ever slapped me. Sadly it wasn't the last. I thought she was going to die. Talking about feeling like a shitty sibling. Luckily she was okay, although she was on bed rest for a long time after. From that day forward I vowed to be a better brother. Now I stared into the park across the street replaying it all over again. But what happened in Odaiba with Dad was truly awful. We lost the most valuable member of our family that day. I barely managed to save Mom and Kari. After we moved she started acting like a brat. I hadn't even noticed that there might have been something wrong. She had always been there for me, but lately, I hadn't been there for her. I felt a sharp pain in my brain. It felt like my brain was on fire.
*Hello* An ominous voice spoke
Is that voice inside my head? Do I respond? How do I respond? Am I going crazy?
*Hi?* I responded
*Tai?* The voice spoke again
*How do you know my name? Kari?* I asked.
*Yes it's me* she said
*Where are you? And what kind of sibling telepathy is this?*
*I'm in a pitch-black room and a weird man came and spoke to me and I don't know where I am plus the stupid crystals*
*Hey calm down, what crystals?*
*I need to see you in person for this conversation. I don't think you're going to like it*
*I'm coming to find you*
I then started running through the park, no destination in mind.
"Tai? Tai! The church is this way!" Matt screamed, clearly annoyed.
"Tai, what the hell?" Tk said running after him
"I Heard her!" Tai shouted coming
"You what?" Tk said slowing down as well
"Tai I know you're worried but no one heard anything" Matt said
"Kari!" I shouted
*I hear you! You must be close*
"KARI!" I screamed running down the street
"He's gone loco" Matt said
"Kari!" Tk yelled running up beside me
"Great now Tk's crazy too" Matt said chasing after both of us
*Is that Tk?*
*Yes him and Matt are with me*
I stopped dead in the middle of the street and cupped my hands like a microphone.
"KARI!" I screamed
*You're on my right*
I turned to my right only to see an abandoned warehouse. She must be in there. I ran in with Tk by my side, Matt running behind us.
"How do you know she's here" Tk asked, desperation on his face
"I just have a feeling kid," I said "Now come on!"
We ran through the warehouse screaming her name. Matt probably thinks we're crazy. We tried all the doors but one that was locked.
"She's in here!" Tk cried
"We don't even know if she's in the building" Matt said
"How do we unlock it?" Tai asked
"Kick it down, pick the lock. I don't know!" Matt said
"First of all, I can't kick down the door. Second of all, what am I going to pick the lock with?" Tai said
"I might have something you can pick the lock with" Tk said picking at fingers with no eye contact
He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small pink barrette which looked to be Kari's.
"She forgot it at the lunch table one day, I forgot to give it back" He said still not making eye contact
"I can't believe you kept it. She'll be happy to have it back, she's been missing it. Besides that I can pick the lock with it so thanks" I said
I aggressively jostled the barrette into the small lock and turned it from side to side in a fast motion.
"Who knew Kamiya could pick a lock" Matt said sarcastically
"Shut up Matt" Tk snapped at his brother
Matt was sure to bite his tongue now because the door went click.
I pulled the barrette out and handed it back to Tk.
"I think she would want you to give it back" I said
"Thanks Tai" Tk said
I pushed open the door and a gasp escaped my mouth. There was a large gash in her head as well as duct tape over her mouth. She was also blindfolded with a dirty bandana. Her hands and feet were tied together with rope which cut through her skin. Her knees were severely bruised, black and blue. The three of us stood there in shock, Tk was the first to move.
"Oh my god Kari" He said running towards her and slowly removing the duck tape
"Tk?" she said
"Yeah it's me" he said
"I-I can't see you" She said
He pulled off the blindfold and let it fall to the ground
"Now you can" He said with a smile
With no hesitation, she grabbed onto the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a passionate kiss. She knew I was standing right here right?
"Jesus Christ" Matt said putting a hand over his eyes
"Get a room" I said pulling Tk off my little sister
"Tai!" she said standing up and pulling me into a hug
"Hey sis, you okay?" I said hugging her back
"I am now" she said
"Will give you two some privacy" Matt said yanking Tk out of the room with him
"I'm sorry" I apologized to her
"Why are you apologizing to me? I should be thanking you!" She said
"I noticed you've been kinda off since we moved here and I did nothing. I released that a little too late"
"About that, we have a problem"
"I was just about to say that. Sibling telepathy doesn't seem like the most logical answer"
"You're looking for the power crystal are you not?"
"How did you know?"
"Look Tai, dad might not have been who you think he is. After killing Jonah dad had to hide the crystals. He broke the power crystal in half and when you were born hide half of the crystal in your head via surgery. A couple of years later, he did the same with me. The man wants the crystals. If we don't want to die we need to get them out, as soon as possible"
"Dad wouldn't.."
"Dad did Tai"
"Well, how are we going to get them out?"
"What do you think?"
"I'm not going into surgery and neither are you!"
"There's no other way"
"Who's going to do it?
Kari stayed silent without breaking eye contact.
"No Kari that's too dangerous, he's not even out of school yet!"
"There isn't another opinion"
"We'll talk to the others, we should get going"
"Ya I guess we should"
Kari and I walked out and met back up with Tk and Matt and started walking back to our place. Kari had trouble walking so Tk carried her. I would have done it but she probably preferred him to. They were both obviously crushing on each other. Who am I kidding that kiss didn't lie. Tk is kinda growing on me. And so are my feelings for Sora.

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