Chapter 3 - Tai's perspective - Cold pizza

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I placed the pizza on the table and then turned on the tv. I sent Kari to go find plates as there were none in the kitchen
"Kari you wanna watch Jeopardy?" I shouted up the stairs
Tai waited for a second but received no answer.
"Kari?" I shouted up the stairs again even louder
Still no answer. I walked up the stairs and peered into my sister's room. No one was inside.
"Kari?" I shouted again walking back down the stairs "The pizza's going to get cold"
Still no answer. After what had happened in Odaiba, I was a bit paranoid that something bad had happened to her. I ran around the house looking for her until I noticed that the basement light was on. I walked down the stairs to find Kari. She was sitting over a box of old photographs, visibly quite sad.
"Hey what's wrong?" I said frightening her
"Oh uh nothing," she said stuttering and pushing the box under the cabinet
"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you," I said kneeling at her side "Guess you didn't find the plates?"
"No I'm sorry," She said wiping the tears off her face
"What's in the box?" I asked pulling the box out from under the cabinet
"It's nothing," She said "Just some old photographs"
I knew she was lying to me. I can always tell. Big brother instincts ya know? I opened the box. There were photographs she didn't lie about that, but they weren't just any photographs. They were of our dad when he lived in this house.
"Where did you find these?" I asked
"They were on the shelf where the plates were," she said with a sniffle
There were tons of them. Most of them were him and his friends when they were teenagers. After he married our mom he moved away and never talked about it again. I wonder why he was so secretive about this town. I picked up one of the photos. There were six people in the photo. There was my dad obviously, beside him was a small blonde girl who I didn't recognize at all. Maybe that was dad's high school girlfriend? Beside them was what looked like another couple both with black hair. I didn't recognize them either, what had our father been hiding from us. On the other side of the photograph were two boys who looked much younger than the rest of the group. Their hair colour was identical with a distinct reddish-orange colour. I put the photograph back in the box and slid it under my arm. I grabbed the plates that Kari had failed to grab then helped her up. she was a mess on the floor, in a disarray from all of the mysterious photographs. We went back upstairs to finally eat. Of course, it was cold. I didn't care at this point. All I wanted to know was what was up with those photographs.

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