Chapter 6- Tai's perspective - Dream team

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"Oh my god that's awful," I said "Do you know who they were?"
"Yes," Cody said finally looking up at the group "My mother"
"Cody I'm so sorry" Sora said going to give him a hug
"Many might know her as Mrs. Johnstone" The blue-haired boy said
"Mrs. Johnstone?" Kari, Tk and Davis all said in unison
"Who is that?" I said looking at my sister
"That's our math teacher" Kari said looking down at the ground clearly disturbed
"Holy shit" Matt mumbled
"Hold on, we never your name" Yolei said looking at the blue-haired boy
"It's Joe, Joe Kido" he said "I'm a close friend of Cody's family"
"Hm I don't recognize you" Mimi said
"I don't blame you, I go to south shore med school" Joe said
"Oh cool, so you're a doctor!" Mimi said
"Ya something like that" Joe said
"We could always use a doctor in our group" Sora said ducking under Joe's arm and looping it around her shoulder
"What do you say Joe? Join our murder solving team?" Mimi said doing the same thing as Sora with his other arm
"I have to study for finals" Joe said
"No you don't" Mimi and Sora said in unison pulling Joe with them
"We can go back to my house" I suggested
"Sure," Tk said rubbing the back of his head "Maybe we can figure out how to solve this"
Me, Kari, Matt, Tk, Mimi, Sora, Joe, Cody, Yolei, Davis went back to the Kamiya mansion. We all sat in silence for a couple of minutes before Davis broke it.
"Well what now" Davis said
"I'm not sure" I said "I've never dealt with a murder before"
"Can I make a phone call?" Joe said "I think I know someone that can help us"
"Go for it" Kari said
"Okay give me one minute" Joe said stepping out of the room
"We should call ken," Tk said "He's like super smart"
"Okay we need to make this group of people the only people who know about the note and whatever kinda conspiracy is happening here" I said
"Okay" Matt said "Me, Tk, Tai, Kari, Sora, Mimi, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Joe, Ken and whoever Joe's calling right now. That's it, no one else can know"
"I agree," I said "Hands in"
"Tai this isn't sitcom" Kari snickered
"I'll put my hand in!" Davis exclaimed putting his hand on top of mine
"Sure why not" Sora said putting her hand in the pile
"Don't forget me!" Mimi said adding her hand
"Me too!" Yolei said throwing hers on too
Cody who was still pretty sad also joined his hand to the pile
"I agree with Kari that's lame" Matt grumbled
"You two are so stubborn!" Tk said grabbing the hand of his brother and Kari throwing them into the pile
"Teamwork" everyone shouted in harmony except Matt and kari who rolled their eyes in embarrassment
"Okay i'm here" Ken said entering the basement
"Ken!" Yolei said "We're so glad you're here"
"Okay I made my call, he should be here shortly" Joe said
"Great okay now what?" I questioned
"We wait for-" Joe said before he was cut of
"I'm here!" Izzy said bursting into the basement
"Oh hey izzy" I said "Can you help us"
"Of course I can that's why Joe called me duh" Izzy said
"Wait how did you get in?" Kari said
"The door was wide open" Izzy said
"I should probably go close that" Kari said running up the stairs
"Izzy say something smart that can help us" Matt said
"Okay so I doubt that this was just a random murder, but how do we prove this?" Izzy said
"The note!" Davis said
"There's a note?" Izzy asked
"Yes, we found this super cryptic note with our family name on it" Tai said "Kari can you go grab the note and the box of photographs"
"Are you kidding me! I was just upstairs" Kari complained
"Sucks, go get it" I said
"Fine" Kari said stomping back up the stairs
"It the note is real, you and Kari are in danger" Izzy said
"I hadn't thought about it like that, don't tell her that" I said
"I'm back" Kari said handing Izzy note and photographs
Izzy gave me a look. I didn't wanna keep the truth from my little sister but I didn't wanna to freak her out. I would tell her about the significance of the note later, I hope. Izzy looked down at the note trying not to react
"Show me the photograph" Izzy said
Kari passed izzy the photographs for inspection.
"Cody come here please" Izzy said
He called Cody over to look at the photograph. He gasped and was trying to hold back tears but couldn't. Joe and Yolei ran over to console him.
"What was that about?" Tk questioned
"That blonde beside your dad is Mrs. Johnstone" Izzy said
"So what's your theory?" Matt said
"I think the killer could be trying to get revenge on everyone in this photograph" Izzy said "I'm sorry to say this but it could be the same person who killed your dad"
It makes sense, it makes so much sense. I looked over at Kari who was also in shock. She looked back up at me and nodded. We had to solve this not only for justice, but for dad.

Authors note: I hope you're liking the story so far. I'm gonna put more action and romance soon although the beginning is a little bit slow. might not upload much this week I have a lot of stuff due for school that I should probably focus on. feel free to comment any suggestions I'm always taking them you guys are so creative :)

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