Chapter 7- Kari's perspective - Creeper in the rain

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After that shocking discovery, everyone left shortly after. Tai and I were too afraid to talk about the fact that he who had murdered our dad, was most likely in town. A day or two had gone by and I was kind of putting off talking about Tuesday night because I didn't want to face reality. It had been quite rainy all week. Thursday night after school I noticed that the rain had stopped, so I walked over to our local library to study. I studied for about two hours before realizing that one, it was very dark outside. And two, it was pouring rain. Crap, the library was about to close too.  I stepped outside the library and stood under a small ledge keeping me dry, or trying to keep me dry. All was quiet except for the sound of the pouring rain hitting the concrete. I should have brought my umbrella. I tried calling Tai to see if he could pick me up so I wouldn't have to walk in the rain but he was probably passed out on the couch and didn't answer. I was still standing under the tiny ledge of the library when I saw a small figure approaching. It was Tk, Tk Takashi. Tk and I have been best friends since I moved here. He was drenched from head to toe also still wearing a school uniform. Guess he must have forgotten his umbrella too.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing out in the rain" Tk joked
"You're worse at flirting than Davis" I shot back
"Sorry about that," He said calmly "I guess you forgot your umbrella too huh"
"Yea," I said clearly embarrassed "I called my brother but he wasn't picking up"
"Oh well no sense of waiting here, let me walk you home" He said as he extended his hand towards me
"How chivalrous" I said jokingly
We started walking towards my house but it was a good 10 minutes away. I looked over at him as we kept walking, god he's flawless. His blond shaggy hair all ruffled from the rain, His dark blue eyes staring back at mine. I snapped back to reality only to see him staring deep into my heart with those sympathetic eyes.
"Oh my gosh" he blurted out "You must be so cold, take my blazer"
I looked at him with a soft glare as he wrapped his dark green blazer around her me.
"You really didn't have to do that," I said with a hint of concern in my voice "You'll catch a cold you know"
"I would rather have a cold than see you have a cold any day of the week kar," he said flashing his million-dollar smile "Plus I don't think your brother would be very impressed if I brought you home sick"
I smiled sheepishly and we kept walking. We walked up to my house, He was about to say goodbye when I stopped him.
"Tk" I whispered quietly "Can I ask you something?"
"Uh sure," he said probably just eager to get back to the warmth of his apartment "Just make it quick because it's kinda raining out h-"
Before he could even finish his sentence my lips met his. He seemed surprised but not surprised enough to stop me. His lips were soft, I almost forgot we were in the rain. He placed one hand around my waist and the other behind my head. Davis was going to be pissed at me. Tk was such a good kisser, not that I had actually kissed anyone before. He pulled me closer as the passionate kiss dragged on. After what felt like an incredible eternity I pulled back and looked into his eyes.
"See you tomorrow Tk" I said as I slowly walked away and retreated into my house.
Meanwhile, he was still standing there in shock. I slipped into my house and quietly closed the door. Turns out I wasn't quiet enough.
"Your home late. Mom's already sleeping" Tai said spinning around to face me in the black armchair in the corner
"Sorry I lost track of time at the library" I said trying not to spill my guts about what just happened to my brother of all people
"I didn't know they added a blazer to the freshman girl uniform" Tai said standing up from his seat
"I'm pretty sure we always had them" I said trying to cover my tracks
He walked over and peeled back part of the blazer looking for a tag.  He found the tag all right, and written on it were two letters, TK.
"Matt's brother are you kidding me Kari" Tai said visibly irritated
"Would you believe me if I said that I went to school with another Tk?" I said trying to slip up the stairs
"No, I wouldn't, because no stable parents name their child TK!" Tai shouted
"You better be quiet mom sleeping" I said inching up the stairs backwards "See you tomorrow brother"
"You little-" He said before I cut him off by slamming my door
I took off my soaked uniform and changed into a pair of pink plaid Pajama pants and an oversized Def Leppard t-shirt which I'm positive I stole from my brother right before we moved. I got in bed and picked up a book that I brought home from the library. I glanced over at the clock, it was 10:30. I read for around an hour before passing out in the middle of reading. Guess all that studying made me tired, or maybe it was making out with Tk in the rain. Guess we'll never know. A couple hours later I was woken up by someone vigorously shaking me and the sound of my brother's frantic voice
"Kari, Kari get up!" Tai whisper shouted
"It's like one in the morning. What do you want from me?" I asked annoyed that he had woken me up in the middle of the night
"There's someone in the house" He said
"What?" I asked
"I said there's someone in the goddamn house!" Tai said
"Do you think it's-" I said before being cut off
"I'm really not sure sis," Tai said "Come on, get up"
I got out of bed to see that my brother was holding a baseball bat. I guess I should find something to defend myself with too. I struggled to find something to use as a weapon and quickly grabbed a fly swatter. We walked out of my room, weapons in hand. Then we heard a crash come from downstairs.
"Stay behind me, you're not going to do any damage with that" Tai said pointing to the fly swatter
"It was the only thing I could find!" I said
"Also is that my shirt?" Tai said
"It was in my room so it's mine" I argued
"Ya because when you steal things you keep them in your room!" Tai argued back
Another loud bang was heard. Tai clutched his baseball bat in his hands for dear life as the unknown person climbed up the stairs. Just then the unknown person turned the corner to reveal themself to us.
"MR.NISHIJIMA?" Tai and I both screamed in disbelief

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