Chapter 16 - Tk's perspective - Is it love?

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I was sitting in the passenger seat of my brother's van debating the meaning of life. My life had been so much better after Kari had shown up, and now, it might be over. I was staring out the window at the rising sun. Had we really been out all night looking for crystals? I would like to think that my mom was worried but I knew it wasn't true. My parents were stupid in love and had Matt as an accident. A couple of years later they had me, thinking they were ready for kids. They were not. So it's safe to say I had a shity childhood. I always had my brother, but eventually, our parents divorced and my father took Matt and my mother got me. We were separated for our whole childhood. I had to rebuild my relationship with him years later. And now, it's stronger than ever. That's the last thing I should be thinking about considering my girlfriend is going into life-threatening surgery. I guess she's not really my girlfriend, I'm not really sure what that kiss meant to her. I think she loves me, and I love her. Mimi's already planning our wedding. I just don't want to ruin my relationship with Davis. I guess it might be too late for that. Even though I just met Kari a couple of weeks ago, I feel like I've known her forever. I can't lose her, not now, not like this. I didn't even notice I was crying, tears streaming down my face uncontrollably, until my brother pointed out.
"You okay over there?" Matt asked
"What? Yeah I'm fine" I answered
"You don't look fine"
I looked into the rearview mirror. Yup, I was crying alright.
"I'm sorry"
"Here hun" Mimi said passing forward some kleenex
"I don't really know why I'm getting emotional, she moved here like 2 weeks ago" I said
"It's because you love her"
"I don't know what love is"
"Tk have you ever dated a girl?"
"Yeah I've dated a couple"
"How did that make you feel?"
"It made me feel good"
"Then wasn't it love?"
"It felt good, but it wasn't love."
"What about Kari?"
"With Kari, it feels different, like a feeling I can't describe"
"You mean love?"
"Yeah, I guess I do mean love. That's kinda like the first time I admitted that out loud"
"Aw, that's so cute! Does she like you back?"
"I'm not sure. I think so"
"I saw them kiss, she likes him alright" Matt chimed in
"Then why are you sad? You two can be together!" Mimi said
"Read the room meems" Izzy said
"Oh come on, it will be fine. Joe knows what he's doing. He's a doctor for crying out loud" Mimi said
"You know he hasn't actually graduated medical school yet" Cody pointed out
"You're not helping" Matt raged
I let out a loud sob hiding my head in my hands as Matt patted me on the back
"It's all going to be alright okay? It's all going to work out in the end okay?"
"Anyway were here"
"Now what?"
"Ken come sit in the front seat and Cody take Tk's spot"
"But why Matt?" Ken asked "I'm not even old enough to drive"
"if we need a quick getaway we need two people we can count on. Don't act as if you've never stolen your brother's car"
"True, true"
"Okay let's go in"
"Can I stay in the car?" Sora asked
"Yeah sure" Matt responded
Me, Matt, Izzy, Davis and Yolei grabbed the crystals and headed inside to meet Hiwekawa.
"Hello?" Matt said pushing the door open
"Hello, Matt and friends. I've been waiting" Himekawa said poking her head out from around the corner
"We have the crystals, can you help us?" Izzy asked
"Yes of course, just let me see them"
Mimi stepped forward and handed Himekawa the undead purple crystal and demon removal green crystal.
"Ah yes I've seen these before, Susumu hid them well"
"So what now?" I asked
"I forgot to tell you, I found a way to save everyone and fix this mess! All I need from you is the orange power crystal, I should be able to fix it right away as long as both pieces are intact, do you have it?"
"Wait a minute, we never told you about the power crystal" Izzy questioned
"You didn't have to, Susumu told us about them a long time ago"
"You wouldn't have known about it being broken, unless..."
"Unless what? Susumu told me everything"
"That's the thing Hiwekawa, he never told anyone except for jonah. Jonah's dead"
"If he only told Jonah, and jonah's dead, then who do you think told Kari about the crystals? Jeez aren't you suppose to be the smart one Izzy tsk tsk"
"You knew about that? Were you part of her disappearance?" I said
"Wait a minute, that's impossible. Jonah's dead but-" Izzy said
"Who said I was dead? Was it Susumu? Oh, wait I killed him. Was it Susan Johnstone? Oh, wait I killed her too. Guess I'm a bit of a murder huh?" Said an unknown but now very known man
"Jonah? But your dead!" I shouted
"Great! You don't wash your face and suddenly your dead! I think I look nice, don't you think Himi?" Jonah said kissing Himekawa on the cheek
"Are you serious? So you played us the whole time? What about Nishijima? If you aren't dead then who died in your place?" Matt said angrily shaking his fist
"Seth" Izzy said will a pale expression
"But we went to the Cemetery, there was no one in the grave labeled jonah?" Yolei said
"You're just telling us this now?"
"Sorry Izzy, that's not important now. Where is Seth's body"
"My dear brother Seth. He didn't need to die!"
"He was a demon!" Matt screamed
"It wasn't his fault! Whatever I'm bringing him back"
"That's not how life and death work"
"It is when you have magic crystals"
"Oh shit"
Jonah dragged Seth's body out from under a table
"Hand me the crystal himi"
"No! Himekawa please" I cried
"Here Jonah" she said passing the undead purple crystal to him with a twisted smile on her face
"It's over Bitches" he said holding it up to the sky
He held it up to the sky as it glowed. We're screwed. Matt grabbed my arm as the group frantically ran out back to Matt's van. The sky was a dark color and a storm was forming. Were so very definitely screwed. We all franticly jumped in the back of the van
"What happened?" Ken asked
"Just drive!" Davis yelled
Ken put his foot on the gas as we sped off. We were all out of breath but still tried to explain what happened to Sora, Cody and Ken.
"Are you serious? So what does this mean for Tai and Kari?" Sora asked
"I'm not exactly sure," Izzy said
"Uh guys" Cody said
"I don't wanna be negative but it can't be good"
"I don't wanna upset anyone who is close to them"
Of course, he's talking about me. I'm not that sensitive. I think.
Cody passed back his phone to Izzy as everyone gathered around him to see what the fuss was about.
"The Crystal Cove weather report for today is an interesting one. There looks to be a large storm about to hit, seemingly out of nowhere. It might be one of the biggest storms this town has ever seen. The mayor has put the town in lockdown and asks that everyone stays indoors until further notice"
"Oh my god, this is bad" Matt said
"Well what do we do?" Sora asked
"I'm not sure, we need to stop Himekawa and Jonah" Izzy said handing the phone back to Cody
"And Seth" I added
"You're not helping teeks" Matt said
"Okay Ken park the car! Everyone listen up, I have a plan" Izzy said pulling out his laptop

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