Chapter 8 - Tai's perspective - Grumpy sister

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It's not every day your English teacher breaks into your house. But today is that day. My English teacher, Daigo Nishijima just broke into my house. Do you think he would still give me a good grade if I hit him with a baseball bat? He was standing at the top of our stairs soaked from head to toe leaving a trail of water behind him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I demanded
"Hear me out, you two might wanna sit down" Nishijima said
"So you're not going to kill us?" Kari asked
"Of course not, I'm here to warn you-" Nishijima said before being interrupted
"Great I'm going back to bed" Kari said turning around and walking back to her bedroom
"Oh no you don't" I said grabbing her arm and pulling her back "He's going to tell us what on earth is happening and you're going to listen!"
She rolled her eyes and sat back down.
"Give me the photograph" Nishijima said
"Why do you want it?" I questioned
"I can point out to you who everyone is unless you want to remain a mystery" Nishijima said
"Fine, fine"  I said pulling out of my pocket
He examined the photo for a minute then took a quick breath.
"This one here is your father, and the blonde beside him is Mrs. Johnstone"
"No shit sherlock" Kari grumbled
"Kari!" I said elbowing her in the rib "Cut it out"
"It's fine I'm grumpy when my brother's English teacher wakes me up in the middle of the night unexpectedly too" Nishijima said "Moving on to the red-heads their actually twins if you couldn't tell, their names are Seth and Jonah"
"Hm doesn't ring a bell" I said
"The two in the middle are simple, the black-haired girl to the left's name is Himekawa and the guy on the right is me" Nishijima said smiling sheepishly
"You knew our dad?" Kari asked
"I did, he was an honourable" Nishijima said
"Woah, and all this time I thought you were just my English teacher" I said
"I'm deeply sorry for your loss, he showed sympathy to all" Nishijima said
"Why is the killer targeting only those in this photo?" I asked "I'm guessing you guys weren't just any random book club if he wanted you gone so badly that he would kill years later"
"No Tai we weren't just any book club, we were a secret society," Nishijima said "Be careful who you mess with, even when your teenagers"
"Who do you think would want to hurt you guys?" Kari asked
"I'm not sure, most left town after the incident with jonah" Nishijima admitted
"What incident with jonah?" I asked
"I'm really not sure how to say this, your dad killed him" Nishijima confessed
"What? Our dad was not a murder!" Kari cried
"Kari quiet mom's still asleep" I scolded my sister
"There was something corrupted within jonah, he saved all of us," Nishijima said "It may not seem like it, but he was a hero"
"I'm sorry for yelling at you," Kari said "I can't do this right now"
She stood up and stumbled over the table and raced back into her room before throwing the door closed.
"I'm sorry she's really stubborn" I said sliding my head into my hands to look at the ground
"It's totally fine" Nishijima "The poor girl is overwhelmed"
"Well I am too, she needs to pull it together" I said crossing my arms
"Give her time" Nishijima said
"I'll talk to her in the morning" I said
I was not happy with Kari at all. What's up with her? She's been acting strange since we found the box with the pictures in it. I get she's stressed, but I am too! She needs to suck it up and be more helpful! I bet you it's that stupid blonde she's been hanging around with. Dad's been gone for a while now, he's not coming back. She needs to get over it so we can find out the truth god damn!
"Tai? You good?" Nishijima said
"Sorry I just spaced out" I said
"I'm going to go before Yuuko finds me here," Nishijima said "Have your little group meet me in the school library tomorrow night after school. Himekawa and I will be there to answer any questions"
"Okay Roger that, thank you so much" I thanked him
"Anytime, except next time maybe I won't break into your house" Nishijima joked
After he left I went back into my room. That was a lot to swallow in a small amount of time. One hour less sleep for me I guess? I lay down back onto my bed and slowly drifting off to sleep.

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