Chapter 13 - Sora's perspective - the drowning hour

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Me, Mimi, Izzy and Joe grabbed supplies and left. Well really only Joe grabbed supplies but it still counts.
"Where do we start?" Mimi asked
"I say we start down by the beach" Izzy said
"Let's go to the beach, Let's go get a wave. They say what they're gonna say" Mimi sang.
"Mimi this is no time to sing" Joe said rolling his eyes.
"Aw but I love Nicki Minaj" Mimi pouted.
"Why are we looking at the beach?" I questioned.
"Do you have a better idea?" Izzy snapped.
"Well no" I said
"Then don't question mine" Izzy said
"These rocks are pretty" Mimi sighed
"Don't get too close to the edge" Joe said
"Aahhh" Mimi screamed falling off the rocks and hanging off the cliff by one hand
"Why does no one listen to me!" Joe said
"Mimi!" Izzy shouted, grabbing her hand and attempting to pull her back up "Sora help me!"
Izzy and I tried to pull her back up but she was just too heavy.
"AAHHHHHH" Mimi screamed louder than before as she fell into the darkness
"Mimi!" We shrieked
There was dead silence until.
"I'm okay" a clearly crippled Mimi spoke
"Oh thank god" Joe said
"We'll come and get you Mimi don't worry" I said
"I'm not going down there! Do you know how dangerous sea caves are?" Joe bickered
"Sea caves?" I said confused
"Do you not know about the sea caves? There like legendary" Joe said
"We can't just leave Mimi!" Izzy said
"Fine, fine but then we're out of here" Joe said
They ran down the hill to the entrance of the sea cave.
"I swear to god if we get lost in here" Joe complained
"Shut up Joe" I said
"Mimi!" Izzy yelled
"Over here!" Mimi screamed
We ran through the sea cave looking for Mimi and following her voice till they found her sitting on the cave floor with a bruised and bloody ankle.
"Mimi!" we shouted
"What happened?" Izzy asked grabbing her hands
But Mimi didn't answer. She had her gaze dead set on a small green rock on the wall.
"What are you looking at Mimi?" I asked
Still no response from Mimi.
"I'm going to look at her ankle," Joe said "It looks broken"
"No duh" Izzy said rolling his eyes
"What is that?" I said
I approached the small green rock only to discover that it was not a rock at all. It was a crystal.
"This is the crystal!" I exclaimed
"Well then grab it!" Izzy said
I tried pulling it off the cave wall but it wouldn't budge
"Stupid rock" I said pulling harder
"Hold on Sora, stand in front of the crystal so it's out of view from Mimi" Izzy said
I followed Izzy's orders and stood in front of the crystal so Mimi couldn't see it.
"Guys!" Mimi said "I'm so happy to see you"
"Izzy you're right! It's the crystal" Joe said
"Ow Joe stop!" Mimi cried
"Stay still Mimi!" Joe said trying to rap her ankle
"How about Mimi tries pulling it out" I suggested
"What makes you think I can do it?" Mimi said
"Just try it, I know you can do it" Izzy said
"Okay I'll try" Mimi said
Mimi walked up to the emerald crystal and prepared to pull with all her might. But to her surprise, it came out effortlessly. She then fell back into Izzy's arms.
"Was that supposed to be hard?" Mimi asked
"Are you serious?" Joe said
"How did you do that?" Izzy stammered
"I just pulled," Mimi said
"Uh guys" I said
"No offence Mimi but you're not really that strong" Joe said
"Guys" I said again
"Hey! That's not nice!" Mimi scowled
"Guys!" I shouted
"He's not wrong" Izzy added
"GUYS!" I screamed at the top of her lungs
"What is it Sora?" Joe said clearly annoyed
"The water is coming it!" I said in terror
If only they listened to me! The water was slowly flooding into the cave.
"Oh my god, the tides! How could we be so stupid!" Joe cried
"We need to evacuate immediately!" Izzy said
"But my ankle!" Mimi whined
"Joe carry her!" I shouted
"Why me?" Joe asked
"Because I can't and Izzy is even weaker than me, you're the only one!" I said
"Mimi I swear to god" Joe said picking her up into a piggyback
We ran through the caves as the water was flooding fast.
"The entrance is flooded!" Joe said
"We're all going to die!" Mimi said
"Were going to have to swim" I said
The group jumped in the water ready to hold their breath and make a swim for it.
"Joe don't drop me" Mimi pouted
"If you don't stop complaining I might" Joe threatened
We took their final breaths before being fully submerged. We swam through the small opening before reaching the surface. Izzy was the first to pop up gasping for air.
"Haaaaaaaaa" Izzy gulped for air
Soon after I followed.
"Haaaaaaah" I said taking a big breath
"Where are Joe and Mimi?" Izzy asked
"They were behind me" I said
"HAAAAAAAAAH" Mimi gasped dramatically holding up the crystal proudly
"I'm alive too" Joe added not even being out of breath
"Let's bring this crystal back to Tai," Mimi said "We need to save Kari!"
"Mimi you can't even walk" Joe sighed
We laughed as they walked back to the Kamiya house, hoping to see their friends

Authors note: Hey guys, sorry this chapter is short. The other ones are much longer. I wanted to focus on finding kari and showing more of Davis, Yolei, Ken and Cody. Happy reading :)

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