Chapter 18 - Tk's perspective - Star crossed lovers

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Izzy told us his plan. It was crazy already but crazy enough it might work. When I was friendly with the new girl on his first day of school, I didn't expect to be here in this mess. Although I regret nothing, friendship is forever, well pain is only temporary. I was sitting in the passenger seat with my brother driving to the hospital hoping that Tai and Kari weren't dead. Sora looked like she was going to throw up, Matt looked like he was about to rip the steering wheel right off. Mimi had fallen asleep leaning against Izzy's shoulder as he typed away at his computer. Cody, Ken and Davis were in the very back gossiping away. The sky was dark and gloomy. There was a storm coming alright. Matt pulled into the parking lot of the hospital.  it didn't look like any of the lights were on.
"Let's hope we're not walking into a funeral." Davis said
"That's not funny!" Mimi shouted
"I agree, Davis you're being insensitive." Yolei added
"Fine, fine whatever I'm sorry." he said
We walked over and opened the doors as we were greeted with the sound of silence.
"Hello?" Matt said
"Maybe they're not done yet." Cody said
"We should go find them." I said
"If they were done they would be out here, just let them do their job and it will be done soon." Matt said
We took out seats in the waiting room of the hospital. Everyone seemed a little bit on edge, but how could you not be? Everyone shot up at the sound of footsteps wondering who it could be. And by an absolute miracle, it was Kari, with a bandage wrapped around her head. When I saw her I got the same butterflies from when I saw her for the first time when she first moved here. After all that talk about love with Mimi, I think I was finally ready to tell her how I truly feel. But I couldn't just do it here in front of everyone, I had to find the right time. Now was not the right time. I ran to her as I picked her up, spun her around before putting her down and pulling her into a hug.
"Why can't we be like that Izzy? You're never that romantic with me!" Mimi complained
"This is not the time for this conversation Mimi." Izzy replied
"Hmh." Mimi scowled at Izzy
Everyone giggled at Mimi's salty comment, well everyone except Sora who was anxiously waiting for Tai.
"I missed you." I said holding Kari tight
"Was I really gone that long?" Kari asked
"It's only been an hour." Davis said crossing his arms
"Shut up Davis." Yolei snapped at him
"He cried because he thought you would die." Matt said walking up beside me
"Shut up Matt" I said kicking my brother
I wasn't going to tell her that. Manly men don't cry. Guess I'm not as manly as I thought.
"Okay yeah, he cried like a baby! Izzy, would you cry if I died? You know what don't answer that, you're going to say something stupid!" Mimi blurred out
Wow. Just wow. The group really chose to sell me out to the love of my life today. Mimi has too much of a big mouth. Last time I tell her about my love life. Kari giggled, this was probably very amusing to her. For me, this was quite humiliating.
"Guess you really missed me huh?" she said wrapping her arms around my neck
"You could say that I suppose." I said wrapping my hands around her waist "Kari I was going to wait for the right moment but if I keep waiting it will never come. I've loved you ever since I first saw you, I never stop thinking about you. Be my girlfriend?"
"Only if you'll be my boyfriend" she said
At this point, I didn't really care if the whole world was watching. I needed to kiss her. Maybe time stopped when my lips met hers, but the flutter of the butterflies only intensified. It was like something out of a movie. For the first time since I'd known myself, I didn't feel shy. If anything, I felt complete, knowing someone cared about me the way she cared about me. Knowing I had found my person. If I were to say that to my mom, she would probably say "Oh you're too young to know love" or "You don't want to end up like your father and I, do you?" God, I hated her. She found a way to make everything so god damn negative. I hadn't even noticed that a doctor had walked up behind us until he had to awkwardly cough to get our attention. We both pulled back and looked at the floor in embarrassment.
"Oh hey, guys I'm Jim, Joe's brother." He said
"Where is Joe?" Sora asked
"He's with Tai right now. I guess they're not done yet."
"Not done yet? That can't be good."
"It should be fine. We're done early."
"Tk look at this" Kari said pulling half a jagged orange crystal out of her pocket
"The power crystal." I said looking at it in disbelief
"Woah," Izzy said taking the crystal from Kari to examine it "This is Prodigious"
"So now we just wait for Tai?" Davis asked
"Yes, they should be done soon," Jim said "Can someone explain to me what's happening because the only explanation I got was crystal out of head now."
"You should sit down." Cody said
"That's the second time I've been told that today!" Jim said sitting down next to Sora
We then had to explain everything in detail to Jim. He thought we were joking. But this was no joke. We had also forgotten to tell Kari that Himewaka had taken the crystals. So she found out at the same time as Jim.
"So now what?" Kari asked "How are we going to get them back?"
"That's a good question that I actually have the answer to. We should wait for Tai though." Izzy said
"Did someone say Tai?" Tai said sliding down the hallway
"Brother!" Kari said catching him in a hug as he slid by
The sibling pair hugged each other for a moment until Kari spoke up
"Yeah sis?"
"You have crystal shards in your hair"
"So do you dummy"
Tai then proceeded to ruff her hair. Kari tried to mess up his hair in return but ended up in a headlock.
"Children, children easy on the head." Joe said running down the hall after Tai
"Sorry Joe" Tai said dropping his little sister
"See I told you Joe could do it!" Mimi exclaimed
"I never doubted him," I said
"Your tears said otherwise" Matt said
"Shut it Matt" I growled
"So what did I miss?" Tai asked
"They did WHAT" Tai said
"I think Mimi should be planning Tk's funeral instead" Cody said
"Damn it! Tk no, no, no." Tai said pacing back and forth
"Tai I'm sorry, I really love her and-"
"You couldn't have waited four years?"
I was beyond confused. Tai looked pissed and Matt was laughing his head off. Just then Tai passed Matt two twenty-dollar bills. I was still so confused.
"You guys are horrible, betting on your sibling's love life." Sora said
"WHAT" Kari and me yelled in unison
"Tai didn't think Tk would confess till after you guys graduated," Matt said "I knew he would"
"Whatever" Tai said crossing his arms
"Wow that's mature" Kari said rolling her eyes
"You look saltier than Davis when Tk and Kari kissed" Yolei laughed
"I'm not salty that Tg got the girl!" Davis cried
"If you could all stop arguing I could tell you the plan!" Izzy shouted
Everyone falls silent.
"Finally. Ok so what we're going to do is Himekawa, Jonah and Seth still need the power crystal right? So they'll be looking for it. If we can trick them into thinking we are giving them the power crystal. We might be able to steal back the other ones. We just need a diversion." Izzy explains the plan.
"Gotcha, but wait, are you like, 100% sure you don't want to use alligators, I know this great gu-"
"SHUT UP DAVIS!" Shouted Kari and I at the same time.
"True loveeeee." Swoons Matt. I gave him a glare.
"Ha you guys are so cute!" Tai teases, wiping away a fake tear.
"You guys got the plan???" Izzy says, clearly annoyed.
"Wait hold on! What kind of diversion? Who would it be?" Ken asked
"About that.. I was thinking it could be Kari"
"Absolutely not" I said
"That's not a good idea, she's the smallest and most fragile of the group. I won't allow it." Tai said
"He wasn't asking you Tai, he was asking me. I'll do it. Whatever it takes" Kari said
"What if something happens? What's going to happen then?"
"I can't believe you! After all that we've been through your just going to throw it all away? We have to fix what Dad started and you know that."
"Hikari, give it up just let me do it. I'll be the decoy."
"Taichi are you serious? Why won't you let me do this one thing? This one important thing. What are you so afraid of!"
"Losing you!"
the room fell silent. Looking around everyone felt a little out of place. No one liked watching siblings as close as they are fight. Everyone felt like they were seeing something they shouldn't. It was plastered on everyone's faces.
"Listen Kari, I know it may not always seem like it but I actually care a lot about you. I don't know if you realized but you're kinda the only family I have left."
"We still have Mom"
"Kari... she's not coming back"
"She's abandoned us and she's never coming back"
"But she wouldn't-"
"She did Kari"
That was definitely not the time for that. 2 for 2 on gone parents. Kari started to cry as she clung to her brother.
"This doesn't change the fact that I'm not letting you go out there alone with that stupid crystal"
"I'll go with her," I said, butting into the conversation "Then she won't be alone
"That's not a bad idea" Izzy said
Kari looked up at Tai as he sighed
"Fine, fine if you must" he said
"Thank you brother"
"Do you just give them both pieces in the crystal or do you want to glue it together?" Joe asked
"Two pieces should be fine now let's get in the van and go! We don't have much time, the storm is already upon us" Matt said
"You guys go, I'll stay here and hold down the fort till you come back. If you need anything call medical or otherwise" Jim said
"Great thanks Jim" Joe yelled as we all ran out to the van, the pouring rain and the heavy.
We got in Matt's van and sped off towards the school where we assumed Himekawa, Jonah and Seth were waiting.

Authors note: Sorry this took so long to come out lol. We're getting close to the end of the book!! I'm sorry that there's more Tk and Kari then all the other couples, I'm very bias. Enjoy! New chapters coming soon.

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