Chapter 14 - Davis' perspective - Close undead encounters - Part one

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I cheerfully skip up to the looming iron gates, when Kari gets back I can tell her all about how I got the magic crystal! TK will be sooo jealous.
Suddenly, I'm being yanked back by someone. I stumble and grunt as my butt hits the ground.
"What was that for!" I complain.
I look up and Yolei stands overtop of me.
"You idiot! Get out of your head, you nearly ran into the gate." She gives me a so-called "little" kick, and harshly adds, "Get up Davis."
"YES MA'AM" I reply, scrambling to my feet.
I put Kari out of my mind for a second, and look around a little. Hovering in behind were Cody and Ken, Ken with a hand on Yolei's shoulder, trying to cool her temper. Jeez, that lady needed to get it under control.
"Ok everyone, we're going in now!" Yolei strides in front of us and jangles the gate open. You'd think they'd put a lock on there...
As soon as I step onto the dead grass of the cemetery, a deathly chill seeps into my bones.
"Ironic the grass is dead, you'd think all the dead people would be good fertilizer," Yolei says thoughtfully.
Actually, they wouldn't be fertilizer because they are in caskets.
Not wanting to start an argument, I kept my mouth shut, or so I thought. Sometimes my mouth just says things without me knowing it. Yolei rolls her eyes and gives me a death glare. As we walk through the many graves, Yolei starts to ramble about how that was "not necessary". I unconsciously block her out, and my mind drifts to Kari.
"Guys I think I found the grave we're looking for!" says Ken.
He's standing in front of a tall gravestone with the name JONAH written on it in bold letters.
"I'm gonna go search for some shovels..." Yolei says with a sigh. She walks off towards the shed, Cody trailing behind her like an obedient little puppy.
"Hey Ken! You think they need any help?"
Ken is leaning against the gravestone deep in thought.
I walk up to him and wave my hand in front of his face.
"Shut the hell up, I'm thinking."
"Should I go help..." I put up my right hand, "or not." I put up my left hand as though I'm weighing the options.
"Ugh just leave me alone."
Disappointed that Ken didn't get more annoyed, I sulkily walked towards the shed. The door hangs open and I slip inside. The light is dim and kinda flickering. Touché considering we're in a cemetery. In the corner I see Yolei and Cody grabbing the shovels and some other tools.
Yolei turns around and spots me in the doorway.
"HEY YOLEI!" I shout.
"You're so loud Davis." She walks up to me and shoves two shovels into my arms "Take them, go, and start digging."
These aren't even that heavy! I bet TK wouldn't even be able to hold one. I march back towards the grave of JONAH, shovel in each hand, and pride in each step. I start whistling, betcha TK can't whistle. I don't know why Kari even likes him, I'm way better.
I reach Ken and throw a shovel into his lap.
"Come on buddy let's get going!" I say, fake enthusiasm lacing my voice.
Ken releases an annoyed sigh, slowly getting to his feet, shovel in hand.
"Fine." Ken says.
We start breaking the stiff layer of dead grass, trying to break into the dirt below. A minute or two later, Yolei and Cody show up with two more shoves, a broom, and gardening tools in tow. All of us start ripping up the soil, every so often Yolei shouting "encouragement" like,
"Hurry up, at this pace we'll be here all night!"
"Come on Davis I thought you were strong! Work Harder!"
To refrain myself from arguing back, which I don't have much self-restraint so it's kinda hard to do, I keep up some chatter about food, the hamburgers are the best at Crystal Cove.
My shovel comes in contact with something.
"Guys I just hit something!"
"Sure it's not a rock?" Yolei said, barely glancing in my direction.
"Me too..." Says Cody in his calm voice.
"Well then, let's brush off some dirt and see what we hit." Yolei said.
She grabs a brush off the supplies, gets on her stomach, leans over the hole and starts brushing away dirt. I hear the swooshing of the brush, as it runs against something.
"GUYS WE DID IT." Yolei shouts from down in the hole. She pulls up her face and it is beet red from being upside down. I chuckle.
"You look like a tomato!" I chuckle again, but this time dirt gets in my lungs and I start coughing. Hard.
"Serves you right," Yolei says with a huff. "Ok I'm going to try and open the lid down there, I doubt it's possible to remove it from the ground."
"Sounds good to me." Says Ken with a shrug.
I watch as Yolei lowers herself into the dugout, we dug a little more around the edges so Yolei has space to stand. I hear her struggling with the lid, this is when I start feeling kind of guilty for intruding a dead person's resting place. Oh well, sorry JONAH you sounded like a demon anyway.
"Hey Yolei you get the lid open?" I peer over the hole, though it's too dark for me to see anything.
"Ummmm you guys might want to see this... Or rather NOT see it..."
"What do you mean NOT see it? I'm coming down!" Ken says. He hops into the hole.
"Me too!" I put on my goggles so dirt doesn't go in my eyes, and jump into the hole.
"OWWWWW the dirt is so hard!" I complain. I look at Yolei waiting for her to get annoyed with me, but her eyes gawking unblinkingly at the open casket.
"Oh come on the dead guy's probably not THAT ugly." I say, rolling my eyes. I take a step forward and look inside, only to see that there is no one inside. But in JONAH's place is a glowing violet crystal.
"WE found it you idiot." Yolei says, finally coming back to her senses, she leans over and picks it up in her hand. I CLICK breaks the silence.
"What was that?" Says Cody as he leans over the hole.
"Not sure..." I respond, kinda freaked out. This place is creepy, I really want to get out of here. Speaking my thoughts, Yolei says,
"Hey guys, let's leave now... I don't know what that noise was, but it didn't sound too good. Hey Cody, can you get that rope we found and lower it down. Maybe loop it around one of the other gravestones."
I hear some shuffling from up above, and a rope is lowered. I grab onto it first. I immediately started climbing. As I reach the top, I feel a chill run down my spine, and a musty smell prickles my nose. Behind me Yolei and Ken are on their way up.
"Hey Yolei where'd you put the crystal?"
"In my pocket." She answers with a huff, as she pulls herself up and onto the grass. I look down at her and notice that the ground is covered in thick, curling fog. What the actual hell?
"GUYS THERE'S ZOMBIES," Cody yells. Wow Cody actually yelled. That's new. Yolei rolls over on the ground.
"That's impossible zombies don't- AHHHHH" Yolei hops to her feet and runs in the opposite direction of the gate. I turn around. Coming up from the ground in front of the metal gate, is at least twenty ZOMBIES. Shit. We need to get out of here right now.

Authors note: A HUGE THANKS TO THE LOVEY katelyn-volleyball !!!! She wrote this whole chapter!! Go check her out!!

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