Chapter 4 - Kari's perspective - The first day

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I woke up, it was Monday morning. After our eventful evening last night, I was ready for a new day. Of course, going to a new school scared the crap out of me but change is good for you. Or at least it's supposed to be. I got out of bed and put on my uniform. It was green and white, it reminded me of a sailor outfit. I walked down the stairs to see my mother sitting in the living room, with her morning coffee.
"Can you please go wake up your brother?" My mother said
"He isn't up yet?" I asked "We have to leave in 15 minutes!"
"Well then you better go wake him," My mother said
I crossed my arms, he needs to get his shit together. I walked up the stairs and knocked on his door.
"Are you awake?" I asked slowly opening the door "Of course not"
His room was such a mess. He doesn't care about his first day of school as much as I do.
"Hello, earth to Tai Kamiya" I spoke up again shaking him violently
"What do you want?" he said clearly annoyed
"If you don't get up your going to be late," I said
"What?" he said glaring at his alarm clock "Oh god"
He frantically jumped out of bed and ran down the hall.
"You forgot your uniform" I shouted down the hall
He came running back down the hall and grabbed his uniform and left the room running once again. I laughed for a second then walked down the stairs to wait for my brother. Five minutes later Tai came dashing down the stairs and shoved a piece of toast in his mouth. Finally, we left down the path to school.
"Okay have a good first day, don't get a boyfriend" Tai shouted walking into the senior building.
I just stood there in disbelief that he had just shouted that. A bit embarrassed I walked through the freshman building looking for my first class. Found it, room 216 math class. I was just on time as many kids were already seated. I sat in the back right next to the window. The school had a nice garden.
"Hey new girl," A freshman boy said "That's my spot your sitting in"
"Oh I'm sorry," I said apologetically "I'll move"
"Davis stop harassing the new girl on her first day!" Another freshman boy said "You've never sat there in your life"
"God your never any fun TM" Davis shouted sitting down at the desk across from her
"I'm Tk," The freshman boy said "That jerk over there is Davis"
"Hi I'm Kari," I said
Tk sat at the desk directly in front of me. Soon after we took our seats the teacher started taking attendance.
"Sarah Stradford?" Mrs. Johnstone called
"Here" A student replied from across the room
"Dean Bergara"
"Eva Lewin"
"Kari Kamiya"
"Here" I replied
Everyone turned to stare at me, their mouths wide open
"Your last name is Kamiya?" Tk said emphatically
"You're the girl whose dad got shot!" Davis exclaimed
"Davis!" Tk yelled "You insensitive asshole!"
"It fine, I get that a lot" I said
"Get working" Mrs. Johnstone demanded
I smiled sweetly at Tk as he turned back to the front and started working. I hate math, it makes no sense. Everyone else was working and I was simply staring at my paper trying to make it make sense. Then the sound of the bell rang and the period was finally over. The rest of the day leading up to lunch was all a blur. I walked into the lunchroom only to find Tk and Davis waving me down. I saw they were sitting with a couple of other people, I waved back and walked over to their table.
"Hey Kari, remember me from math?" Davis said
"How could she forget" Tk mumbled
"Whatever Tj" Davis said "Meet the squad!"
"Please don't ever say that again" the purple-headed girl groaned "I'm Yolei"
"I'm ken, a pleasure to meet you" One of the others spoke up
"Hi I'm Cody" The shorter boy said extending his hand to shake mine
"Hey I'm Kari" I said shaking the small boy's hand
"Is it true that your last name is Kamiya?" Yolei asked
"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I questioned
"Your dad is kinda a legend in this town" Tk added
I paused. Why didn't he ever talk about this? Clearly, this town was important to him. I heard someone call my name, I looked over my shoulder to see my brother waving from his lunch table. He was sitting with the blonde from the pizza shop, a short girl with short orange hair, and an even shorter girl with strawberry blonde hair. I'm glad to see he's found friends, he deserves it.
"Do you know him?" Davis blurred out
"Yes that's my brother" I said
"What!" Davis shouted "You have to introduce me!"
"It's not like he's a celebrity" I said confused
"I hate to break it to you, he kinda already made a reputation for himself" Yolei said
"Oh jeez, what did he do?" I asked cautiously
"He's a soccer legend!" Davis exclaimed
"He's also been labelled the hot senior" Yolei said
"Ew, I'm not sure his ego can handle that" I sighed
The group laughed, well everyone but Davis. Then the bell rang and we all separated. Yolei and Ken waved then walked out of sight down the sophomore hallway as they were sophomores. Cody slid out the back door as he belonged to the middle school down the street. Me, Tk and Davis walked down the freshman hallway before going our separate ways for class. I then sat through two other boring classes before being dismissed. I went to my locker to grab my stuff when I saw a familiar blonde come up beside me.
"Guess our lockers are beside each other huh" Tk said opening his locker door
"Guess so" I said with a sight blush on my cheeks
We both slammed our lockers and walked out the double doors at the end of the hallway. The light winds brushed up against us. We were walking in the same direction.
"So are you guys fully moved in?" Tk asked
"Not yet, my mother is a mess" I joked
"Do you like the new house?" Tk said continuing the conversation
"It's different, to say the least" I said
"It looks different," he said pointing at my house "See you tomorrow Kari"
"See you tomorrow Tk" I waved before opening the house door
"Didn't I tell you not to get a boyfriend on your first day?" Tai said
I jumped around startled by my brother and his idiotic comment
"He isn't my boyfriend," I said "He's just a random dude from my math class, chill"
"He isn't just some random, that's matt's brother" Tai said
"I knew he looked familiar" I said "Whatever, it's not like that"
"Sure it's not" Tai smirked
"I'm serious!" I shouted "Ugh I have homework to do, catch you later Tai"
"Is it homework for the class with Tk in it?" Tai suggested
"If I didn't have piles of homework to do, I would come back down there and strangle you!" I screamed well walking up the stairs
"Kari don't threaten your brother" My mother said in a monotone voice while unpacking a box of mugs in the kitchen.

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