Chapter 11- Kari's Perspective - Darkness closing in

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The first thing I noticed when I awoke was the pounding in the back of my skull. It thrums through my ears and tingles down the back of my neck. That can't be helped, so I open my weary eyes, which feel rather dry, and try to look around. But, stretching out in all directions is pure blackness. No shadows. No windows. I can't even make out the cracks of a door. My head was really starting to bother me, so I tried to reach out my hand to touch it, it is then I realised the bondings around me wrists. Wha-why? Where the hell am I? Not having much of a choice, being tied up and all, I sit there for what feels like an hour, trying to listen for anything outside this enclosed room, when my mind drifts to TK and my brother. What are they doing? Do they know where I am, are they worried? Last time I saw Tai he wasn't very pleased with me. I wonder how long I've been gone for, I must've missed Tai's soccer game, he's probably super disappointed. And TK, I miss him so much. His hugs and comforting words, he always knows the right things to say. I wondered if I would ever get the pleasure of kissing him in the rain again. I can feel the dryness in my eyes disappear, a new wetness replacing what felt like the Sahara. My head hurt, the bindings holding my wrists and ankles were cutting through the outer-layer of skin, and just like those cuts, but even deeper, were the thoughts and worries for my two guys. I let the darkness in, it sped up my legs, through my torso and overtook my head. I fell back from my half-sitting position in the dark and into a land of dreams and light.

Authors note: Hey guys! I actually have a lot of people starting to read this so hiii! This is a short chapter explaining what Kari is going through. Are you guys excited to see how it ends? i've been writing none stop. Feel free to leave suggestion! This chapter was made possible by my good friend @katelyn-volleyball, i'm not sure if that link works lmao but go check her out! She's a great writer and wrote almost all of this chapter. Have a great day 🥰🥰

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