Chapter 19 - Kari's perspective - No deal

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We all sat in Matt's van as we sped off towards the school. Matt was in the driver's seat with Tai in the passenger seat. Mimi, Sora, Izzy and Joe sat in the back seat. Me, Tk, Davis, Yolei, Ken and Cody Sat in the very back cramped in with instruments for Matt's band.
"Okay so the plan is Tk and Kari will be the diversion well Tai and I come from behind." Matt said
"Okay well, what are the rest of us supposed to do?" Davis cried
"You're there in case something goes wrong"
His words sent a shiver down my spine. Let's hope nothing goes wrong. I would hate to drag Tk down with me.
"We're going to need a getaway driver since I will be with Tai"
"I'll do it" Sora said
"Thanks Sora, I really appreciate it" Tai said
Sora blushed hard.
I looked out the back window of the van. The rain crashed down with an aggressive wind to back it up. Who knew crystals cause hurricanes. For some reason, I felt like this was my fault. I mean I didn't put the crystal in my head but there's gotta be something I could've done to prevent it. I didn't have to involve all the others. I guess that makes me a selfish person. Putting all their lives on the line for my stupid champagne problems. I was deep in thought until someone put their hand on top of mine. I turned around to see Tk smiling at me sweetly.
"Kar don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you"
I didn't really know what to say as a response. I just smiled back at him. Trying to hide the fear in my eyes.
"It seems like they're still at the school" Izzy said typing viciously on his laptop
"Are you sure you still wanna do this Kari?" Tai asked
"Yes, I have to" I said
"You don't have to, I don't want you to feel forced into doing it. We can find another way-"
"I'm fine with it, I can do it"
"Well, we're all here to support you!" Mimi exclaimed "Can I get a Wahoo?"
"Oh god!" Matt said
"That's not what I was hoping for-"
Just then lightning struck and knocked over a tree right in the path of the car. Matt swerved the car barely missing the tree and slamming on the breaks. The impact startled everyone. Matt hit the brakes so hard I came crashing down straight into Tk. Tk fell straight onto his back with me landing on top of him. My hands clung to his chest for support. I was face to face with his crystal blue eyes staring back into mine.
"Is everyone okay? Sorry about the hard stop-" Matt said turning around making eye contact with me "Oh my god! Not in the back of my van, jesus christ"
Everyone turned to face me and Tk as my face turned crimson red.
"Are you kidding me? Right now?" Tai facepalmed
"Glad to see no one is hurt, except for Davis's feelings" Joe mumbled
"Shut up Joe!" Davis shouted
"You know that part where you said you were glad no one was injured" Yolei said
"Yeah?" Joe responded
"One of Matt's guitars fell on Cody"
"I'm Okay" The faint voice of Cody came from under a pile of instruments
"Mk hold on" Joe said
"I'm sorry about Matt, he's the less cool brother" Tk said sitting up again
"Less cool? That doesn't even make sense" Matt said getting visibly mad
"The rain is coming down pretty hard" Sora said
"No duh Sora" Izzy said looking up from his laptop to glance out the window "A hurricanes coming for sure"
"Just trying to diffuse the tension"
We pulled up to the school although you could barely see it through all the rain. We stepped out of the van, our brothers standing behind us. I took a deep breath as my hand intertwined with his. Tai handed me the crystal before they got into position.
"Be careful, both of you" Tai said before following Matt around to the back of the school
We walked up to the doors of the school.
"Ready?" Tk asked
"Ready" I replied
We quietly opened the door and walked in. Looking around, none of them were to be seen. We wandered down a hallway vigilantly looking for two crazy twin brothers and a rogue government agent. Who knew they would be so hard to find?
"Where do you think they are?" Tk asked
"I'm not sure" I replied
"Well, well, well, look who finally showed up" Himekawa laughed
We whipped our heads around to see just Himekawa standing in the corridor.
"You have something I want," she said
"And you have something we want," Tk said
"Give me the power crystal!"
"Give us the demon removal crystal!"
"Do I look like a fool to you? How dumb are you! If I give you the demon removal crystal you will use it on us!"
"Then no deal. If we can't have the demon removal crystal then you can't have the power crystal!"
Wow, Tk was really good at this whole negotiating thing. I'm so glad he came with me.
"Can't have it? I don't think that's going to be an issue. I take what I want!"
Just then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me back trying to reach for the crystal. I held the crystal tight to my chest as whoever was behind me shook me violently trying to get me to drop it. I looked up to see someone restraining Tk as well. It was Jonah.
"Something wrong loverboy?" Jonah said holding Tk back, watching him struggle
"Let go of her!" Tk shouted
"As you wish" he said
He grabbed hold around my waist and shoved me to the ground. It startled me to the point of dropping the crystal, watching it slide down the hallway helpless to stop it.
"Seth, get me that crystal!" Jonah said still struggling to hold Tk back
Seth ran after the crystal that was sliding down the hall, but he was too late.
"Just what I was looking for, my very own power crystal," Tai said picking it up to examine it
"A little birdy told us you were beating up on our siblings" Matt said cracking his knuckles
"And what if we were?" Jonah said "What are you going to do about it?"
"I don't know if you release it but we're the ones with the all-powerful crystal. You don't stand a chance!" Tai said
"Your confidence is your downfall" Himekawa said
Tai and Matt to the rescue. Tai ran forward pushing Seth to the floor. Tai beating the living crap out of him, the crystal still in his left hand. Matt went to help Tk, kicking Jonah to the ground. Tk ran to me, helping me to my feet.
"Are you both okay?" Matt asked out of breath
"I'm okay now" I said clutching Tk's arm
"If she's okay then I'm okay" he said
"Glad to hear, now let's move. Tai probably needs our help-"
"GUYSSSSSSSS" Tai shouted
He was now clearly losing the fight, barely holding onto the crystal.
"Throw it!" Matt shouted
With no hesitation, Tai chucked the crystal, Matt catching it like a baseball
"Get him!" Himekawa ordered
Matt pulled Tk in close and whispered.
"Go long and make a run for it, leave them to me and Tai"
"Alright then" Tk responded taking my hand and running for the door
"Where are we going?" I asked
"Anywhere other than here"
"But the storm!"
"We'll make it somewhere safe I promise"
Tk had never broken a promise before, I trust him with my life.
"Catch Teeks!" Matt said throwing the crystal back to Tk
Tk caught the crystal, and now, the game is on.
"Don't let them get away, go after them!" was the last thing we heard Himekawa said before making a break for it down the path.
"Where do we go now?" I screamed over the sound of the rain crashing down to the ground
"Haven't thought that far ahead" he yelled back
"What about the dock? We could get on a boat so they can't follow us!"
"What about the storm?"
"Do you have a better idea?"
"Well then, let's give it a try"
Hand in hand we took off running for the dock. I felt a surge of adrenaline. Himekawa, Seth, and Jonah right on our tail. I forced my legs to push harder, anticipating the relief I would feel when this was all over. Focusing on the boats ahead of me I sprinted a bit quicker. In the corners of my eyes, everything became a blur, only seeing Tk's blonde hair and bright blue eyes. We reached the dock and looked for a boat with a key that would be able to start it.
"Over here!" Tk cried
A ran to him and jumped on the boat. It was a 1989 Thundercraft in perfect condition. I felt bad for taking it, but we had no other choice.
"Ready?" he asked
"Ready as I'll ever be" I answered "Do you even know how to drive a boat?"
"Not at all, but I'll figure it out"
"Well then, into the storm"

Author's note: this chapter took forever. I'm gonna try to upload more frequently. Although i'm graduating in like 2 weeks so i'm mega busy. The story is coming to a close soon. How will it end? No one knows. Also thank you for the support! Stay happy and healthy 💓

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