Chapter 14 - Davis' perspective - Close undead encounters - Part two

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"Come on let's go! They are protecting the crystal!" I scream looking around for Ken and Cody. I look further ahead and it turns out they are already running. I burst into a sprint and make for the shed, which I can see Yolei in the window of. One zombie is in hot pursuit of me. It's an arms length away, and goes in with it's mangled claws for hands. This is going to hurt...
The hand passes through my body.
That's a little weird...
But I keep running and eventually am pounding on the door, Cody opening it up for me, and I stumble in.
"Davis, you good?" Ken asks.
Out of breath I mumble a quick "Mhm."
I can hear the moans and groans from the zombies outside.
"Holy crap this can't be happening! This is impossible! Izzy won't believe this!" Yolei is whispering to herself, completely in denial.
"Guys a zombie touched me. It was so weird, the hand just... Passed right through me. Like it was a ghost!"
"What do you mean? You must've been hallucinating Davis." Ken says with a roll of his eyes.
"Whatever you say... Hey does this place have a second floor? Isn't that a ladder over there?" I question. Without waiting for an answer, I climbed up, extending a hand to feel for the roof, it was met with the cool steel of a handle. I pull.
"There's a trapdoor up here and it's locked, I think."
"Let me try." Says Yolei. I climb back down the ladder and let her take a look for herself.
"It's open you idiot, you just have to push it."
"But I did that!"
"Apparently not." Yolei disappears upstairs.
I climb up after her, leaving Cody and Ken on the main floor.
"What's up there? Yolei?"
"Hey Davis, I think I found out what caused the zombies."
"Is there another crystal?" I say whilst climbing the ladder.
"No. It's a projector! Can't believe we fell for that. But who was it? Us taking the crystal must've triggered something..." Yolei rambled, lost in thought.
I reach the top of the ladder, I look around. The trapdoor was in the back corner, I had to lean to slip in because the roof was slanted. To my right was a large wardrobe, and in front of me sat Yolei in a chair and a table holding a projector. It pointed out the open window, light spilling out.
"No freakin way! This is so cool!"
"This is not cool Davis, someone set this up to scare people away from taking the crystal. It might be a trap for all we know."
I completely ignore Yolei's worries.
"Wonder how they did the sounds. Speakers? The fog looked so real! Definitely a fog machine! This is super cool."
"Shut the hell up Davis..."
"Oh come on, this is so COOL!"
"You need to come up with a larger vocabulary..."
I hear a scramble coming from the wall next to the trapdoor.
"Think there's something cool in the wardrobe?" I ask, and skip the few feet to the large wooden doors. I tried the handles, they shook a little but wouldn't come open.
"Yolei come helppppp..." I whine.
"Fine." She stands up, walks over and grabs one handle while I have the other.
We both pull and the doors comes open... And out stumbles a frazzled old man.
"AHHH! Who the hell are you? You did this didn't you? Get up! Explain!" Yolei shouts at the man. She pushes him into the chair.
Ken pops his head up from the trapdoor, "Everything good up- WHO'S THAT?" Ken pushes himself up and comes over to us.
"CODY COME ON UP." Ken shouts down. Cody is with us in a few seconds, the room now crammed with people.
"Let's interrogate the shit out of this guy..." Yolei says, evilly running her hands together.
"Swear to answer with the truth and nothing but the truth old man." Yolei says.
"Well ok..." Answers the man in a wavering crackling voice.
"Say 'I swear!'" Yoeli snaps.
"I swear!"
"Ok, what is your name?"
"Full name!"
"Dave Mochizuki."
"Ok good. Now, why are there zombies?"
"I was told to use the projector if a CLICK went off here in my shed."
"Told by who?"
"Don't know, darlin'."
"Then why do it?"
"Because I get envelopes full of money."
"That's what I just said."
"Yolei we have places to be and people to save. We really don't need to do this, he clearly knows nothing." Cody budded in
"I guess you're right." Yolei said "Until next time!"
And just like that, the group was gone. Heading back to the Kamiya house hoping to see their friends.

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